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Download Silva UltraMind Esp System

Click Here to Download Silva UltraMind Esp System


Silva UltraMind ESP System - Short Description

By Trevor Johnson
Expert Author Trevor Johnson

Silva UltraMind ESP system consists of the idea to discover your purpose in life and use your creative energies to achieve it. A life built around a purpose is a life that is truly exciting and accomplished. Specialists in the field say that Silva UltraMind ESP system is a experience, able to change everybody's life better using correct and effective intuition with which we are endowed.

Jose Silva Method is the founder of creative visualization UltraMind Silva. The method involves entering the topic in alpha status, in this state the topic has the best access to information and can schedule reality. The method has proven effective in business, in health problems.

Human brain can operate in one of the states alpha, beta, delta, or Theta. Waves emitted in these four states differ in frequency between them. Frequency largest waves have a beta. We enter spontaneously in alpha before and wake up and go to bed. During the day, we go in alpha state 30 times per minute. Between 7-14 years, we are working mainly in alpha. When we focused eyes, the brain enters beta. Delta state is the newly born and the dying (in case of natural deaths). Delta state can therefore be considered a portal to non-physical world in which we come and we go after death.

Jose Silva considers that the volume of information available is greater at alpha level then beta level. Successful people have a natural ability to access the alpha state to collect information and then return in beta to apply the information. Information obtained in the alpha come from you brain, but not only.To succeed, we are helped by some positive entities. The most effective is to communicate with them in pictures, but it is possible and thoughts and dreams. Entities send us a message through coincidences and mental projection. As people often accesses alpha state, becomes even better in receiving advice from the entity.


Ultramind ESP System by Ed Bernd, Jr

By Richard Stooker
Expert Author Richard Stooker

Close to thirty years ago, I sat in a chair in a small hotel meeting room holding a 3 X 5 card with some basic information written on it about a sick person I knew.

In front of me was a young man with eyes closed. He sat silently for a few minutes, then spoke to me about the sick person. He wasn't 100% accurate, but he got some of the general facts correct. A hit.

When it was my turn, I wasn't sure what to expect, but I went to level, focused on the sick person my partner had written about on his card. Somehow, I saw a white outline around the person's right foot. Another hit. They had an injury there.

We practiced some more. Nearly everyone in the room had such hits. We didn't know the people we were "reading" while at level, but somehow we could give some information about them.

100% accurate like a doctor examining them? No. Did the healing energy we sent to them help them to heal? I don't know. Was it close enough to shake your skepticism? Yes.

That was the conclusion of a remarkable 4 day Silva Basic Mind Control Course. Jose Silva studied brain waves and, many years before it became well-known, discovered that when our brainwaves are at the alpha level, we think differently. (When we're awake and active, we're at beta.)

The course was an organized conglomeration of alpha programming, positive thinking, and memory techniques.

Silva students have gone on to create a use variety of mind control techniques, machines, CDs, books and seminars. Just about everyone in the field is a Silva graduate.

Jose went on to create more advanced seminars, including the UltraMind ESP system. Ed Bernd Jr was a long time Silva student, lecturer and staffer. This book includes what he has to say, and includes contributions from many other students and their stories and techniques.

The basic alpha wave abilities are accepted by scientists. That is the level of dreams and the twilight state between waking and sleeping. You can more easily visualize. You can learn faster and better.

Do you actually tap into some higher power and gain the ability to know things beyond the normal five senses (ESP)? I don't know.

I do know that one night shortly after seeing my grandfather at Christmas, I went to level and could not visualize him as anything except a skeleton. I was so scared that the next morning I called my mother just to make sure he was okay.

He was then -- but about three weeks later he died of a stroke.

ESP? I don't know. I think it's more likely he was going downhill and my unconscious mind noticed signs of it during Christmas Day.

I also know that in March of that year I decided I needed to get married. I began programming that on June 13 of that year I'd get married. It seemed unlikely given that I didn't even have a date for Saturday night.

But I soon met someone and we were married on June 14 -- because 13 is an unlucky number!

The best introduction to Silva Mind Control is probably still the Basic course, though they've changed the format. Or read the first book, The Silva Mind Control Method by Philip Miele and then go take the basic course.

If you want to learn more, then go for this Ultramind ESP system.

Richard Stooker is a writer with a long time interest in fitness, health, mind control, anti-aging and nutrition. He recommends keeping dried disaster foods and practicing home food storage in case of emergencies.


Access the Rest of Yourself

By Evelyn Cole

Because I have used audio discs for self-hypnosis, I have successfully upgraded the programming in my subconscious mind in several areas. I want to spread the word.

Brian Walsh, author of "Unleash your Brilliance" writes, "Some of us spend money and time on maintaining, or even upgrading, our external appearances. Some of us spend money and time on altering our internal attributes. Both are important, aren't they?

"There is this story about a man walking down a street. He was approached by a panhandler. "Any spare change sir?" - The man replied, "Change comes from within." Yes, change does come from within. It begins by fine-tuning the core beliefs. To use a computer analogy, it is a disk clean, then a defrag.

"In my book, I devote a whole chapter to hypnosis. In this article, I'd like to discuss self-hypnosis. Of all the workshops that I conduct, training people how to do self-hypnosis has got to be my favorite. I love to empower folks to set a goal, and then take that goal into their trance. The feedback I receive is very satisfying.

"I want to share some of the points that we cover in this workshop. I want to convince you that you have the power within. Change is simply bringing back your true essence by stripping away the baggage that has been attached through negative imprinting, and reinforced by subsequent limited thinking.

"Our core beliefs are not all conscious. Day in and day out, we make decisions based, not only on facts, but on our perceptions and biases. Most of these subconscious filters were set before we were seven years old. Why would they still be there? Probably because the subconscious has never been given alternative instructions. That's where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is simply the technique to bypass the critical faculty that blocks access to the subconscious mind.

"When I first began to practice hypnotherapy, I realized that, aside from smoking and weight challenges, most people came to me for stress, career, relationship, and sleep difficulties. In order to help people beyond my local practice, I produced four self-hypnosis audio CDs.

"If you would like to experience a complimentary sample, and if you use MS-Internet Explorer, then grab your headphones. http://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?D1zt0q2FB0iFZIh7YHs_BQ"


Because I have read his book and knew how powerful it is, I clicked on that link and listened. Do it. It's wonderful. I'm buying his tapes for Christmas and birthday presents for my friends and family.

Before I heard Brian's tape I had been "going to Alpha level" every day with the Silva Ultramind ESP System from Learning Strategies.com. Now, I'm a level headed Yankee from Boston who never even heard of ESP. I'm not looking for that. But relaxing to the point where my brain functions on alpha waves is very healthy. You can do that with any kind of self-hypnosis.

Our conscious brains operate mainly on Beta waves when we are awake. Dr. Robert Anthony writes, "To look at a situation and evaluate the information based on the conscious mind alone is to look at the effect instead of the cause. This makes us value judge both ourselves and others. And evaluate what we see, hear and feel as if it were, indeed, he truth."

Read that again. Do you understand it? I sure struggled with it in Beta mind. From Alpha I believe he means that the laws of physics are the cause, such as the law of gravity and the law of attraction. We cannot see, hear or feel these laws.

Here's a poem that came out of all this alpha-izing:

Brain Waves by Evelyn Cole

Open the book of Alpha where your mind breathes through the pages at the speed of light

that feels slower than the pace of wait.

Go where your feet float and your cells dance to an old song from your DNA, one you barely remember.

Then, when you return to Beta, everything seems so easy.

Audio discs make self-hypnosis easy. I have used Centerpointe's to great advantage. Like Brian's, two voices come at you, one in each ear at different frequencies. Silva's discs have a marvelous tapping sound.

When you combine writing to discover your subconscious mind, as in Brainsweep, with hypnotic suggestion to reprogram it, there's nothing in this world you can't change if you want to.

Copyright 2006 Cole's Poetic License

© Evelyn Cole, MA, MFA, The Whole-mind Writer, [http://www.write-for-wealth.com]


Cole’s chief aim in life is to convince everyone to understand the power of the subconscious mind and synchronize it with goals of the conscious mind.


Practical Mind Skills - How to Get Smarter and Manifest Faster in Just 10 Minutes a Day

By Michael John Campbell
Expert Author Michael John Campbell

If you want to be a Master of Manifesting you need to do three things really well. Designing good goals, using peak performance mind tricks and razor sharp visualisation skills. Read on and I'll share with you one of my secret tricks for building a powerful visualisation ability, and fast!

One of the best mind development techniques I've come across in the last decade is called ImageStreaming. It's the brainchild of Dr. Win Wenger, a pioneer in the field of accelerative learning methods and creativity training.

Dr. Wenger originally invented ImageStreaming a way to use your unconscious as a kind of 'oracle on demand' - you focus on a question, quiet your mind and watch what imagery arises in your imagination.

Not only does it solve the whole 'concentration issue' many people have with meditation (no more dozing off in zazen grasshopper!) but the longer you use it the deeper you go - the way the technique is designed actually sucks you in deeper and deeper the more aware you get.

Going deeper into meditation this way actually makes you more and more aware of what's going on it your 'big mind'. (I'll get to the how-to experiment in a minute.)

I'm a huge fan of manifesting techniques. Manifesting is that class of mind skills that lets you mess around with the blueprint reality is being built from and arrange for all the nice things to happen to you.

Manifesting relies of doing three things well - getting good at designing well thought through intentions, developing peak performance mind set skills (removing any internal 'counter-thoughts' and building in positive ones) and finally skill in thought projection.

Build a good level of skill in all three and you're able to get virtually anything whatsoever and it's the third step, 'thought projection' we can have some serious fun with here.

When you meditate your brainwaves typically drop from the usual day to day 'beta' level down to the relaxed, trancey 'alpha' and even more trancey 'theta' range. (go one step lower to 'delta' and you're off to sleep).

You pass through all four ranges every day when you're going to sleep and waking back up and that's the problem - most people are already conditioned to sleep when they hit the alpha-theta ranges.

It takes practice to be able to stay awake mentally whilst your body has basically gone to sleep. In the Silva Ultramind ESP system, it typically takes a solid 10 hours of hypnosis sessions for most people to pull this trick off.

That's the core skill in that approach - staying awake mentally when your brain is cruising along in the lower brainwaves and that's what makes all the visualisations work, helps folk heal at a distance, sends thoughts to people, manifesting things, talking to 'dead' people etc etc.

Cool as that is, there's a faster way, and one that has even more useful side effects ranging from greater intelligence, IQ, EQ, creativity and intuition to name a few.

Here's why it works - if you reinforce any behaviour it gets stronger. If you throw your dog a treat every time he barks at the postman, guess what, he'll bark at the postman more.

If you smile warmly and say 'thank you' sincerely to someone ever time they do something well, not only will they keep doing it well they'll probably improve.

The same thing goes for mental behaviours- if you describe out loud (say to a friend) what's going on in your imagination you strengthen the ability of being aware of what's going on in your imagination.

This might not sound like much, but if you keep doing it it keeps getting stronger *in real time*. So by the time you're 5 minutes into your session the effect is significantly stronger than it was at the beginning. You're constantly reinforcing the reinforcement.

The practical result is that you can concentrate virtually without effort for extended periods of time whilst you're in these lower brainwave ranges.

We're essentially using this technique as a meditation shortcut - you simply spend a few minutes using this technique to get you into the mental space to project your intentions from.

So here's your mind power experiment - simply spend ten minutes each day for the next ten days describing quickly and in detail the imagery flowing through your mind. Deceptively simple huh? There are three simple rules that make this process work properly.

First - describe your impressions out loud. Get them on tape or describe them to a listener, vividly enough that they can imagine them easily purely from your description.This produces a noticeably higher quality of expression than just mumbling away to yourself!

Second - talk as quickly as you can. This helps you 'outrun' the common tendency to consciously filter and analyse the impressions you're getting.

Third - describe your immediate sensory impressions, in the present tense. For example, 'I see a large yellow banana', or 'I can feel soft, cool, wet sand squish between my toes as I look up at the sparkling white-blue stars'.

Stick to what you can directly see, hear, feel, taste and smell. Direct first-hand experience of fresh info and ideas is what we're after here - you can analyse the content of your session consciously when you've finished getting the fresh ideas.

And you can also claim your FREE Manifesting Starter Kit when you visit http://www.superhumansecrets.com > 3 Special Reports, Meditation Mind Music, Brain Programming Software and Manifesting Audio Lesson.

From Michael Campbell and SuperHumanSecrets.com







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