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How to Develop Psychic Power - Part Two

By Adrien Ladouceur

I've always found the "psychic debate" a frustrating one. It's too easy to start with a question like "do psychic powers exist?" and get a whole bunch of well-meaning people jumping into the fray to expound on how the existence of psychic powers do or do not exist. For me, the error is in the question, not the answer.

Instead, what if we were to ask, "are there things in this universe, or even within the limits of the human condition, of which we are unaware or unable to explain?" Resoundingly, sceptic and psychic alike will agree that this is unquestioningly so. Yet, as we saw in Part One, the two sides have a very different way of pursuing things from there.

As always, some may criticize that if this is a "how to" article, why don't I just stick to the step-by-step method to which psychic power may be attained? For them, I offer this simplified version:

breathe in... breathe out... believe in miracles.

I'm not trying to be facetious, I'm trying to make a point. Without a common frame of reference, the explanation is meaningless. So while I will always show my work and offer a true guide toward the cultivation of what some may call psychic power, I have to elaborate on where I'm coming from.

The psychic power I offer is not that of the 'Hollywood psychic' or the kind of stuff that requires you to believe in invisible fields of energy. But I can show you how to attain heightened states of mental clarity and awareness that can lead you to levels of functional performance and ability that rival even the most extreme myths of psychic power.

As we learn more about how our minds operate and how to begin to unlock our vast potential, what once seemed to be lost in the realm of the unreal or impossible begins to become more and more plausible. They may not appear to be the super human abilities we see from Hollywood at first glance, but think about it: what is functional difference between say, telepathy (the power to read minds) and a highly refined skill in reading body language. Functionally, they both give you the ability to learn things about someone they thought was hidden. FUNCTIONALLY, they are the same.

I remember seeing a commercial for an interesting toy: it was a small device that would play the old game of 20 questions. You remember the one: one person would get to ask 20 questions, that HAD to answer truthfully, true or false. If they failed to guess the object within that amount of questions, they lost. If they did they won. The device used a database of objects and a logic logarithm to play against you: you came up with an object, it would ask the questions; you would hit either 'true' or 'false', and it would guess what object you are thinking of. The ad campaign revolved around a guy getting average people walking by on a city street somewhere in the USA to try and beat the game. "Amazing!" they would cry, with a glee that made you think that your life would just NOT BE COMPLETE unless you had this amazing little device yourself, "the computer can read my mind!"

Of course, it did nothing of the sort. It was just a simple logical process that the computer was really good at doing. I'm not trying to say that people REALLY believed that the small toy was reading their minds, but at that moment in time, it SEEMED like it was. It seemed like it was in the same way we watch a skilled magician perform a magic trick and we allow ourselves to believe, in spite of the knowledge that it's just an illusion.

It is in this way we can experience Arthur C Clarke's prediction for ourselves: "Any sufficiently advance form of technology is indistinguishable from magic." Most of the time you hear this, the speaker is imagining thing of what might come. But I tell you this: the technology, and most applicable in at this moment, the INNER technology, exists today. I can help you advance your own 'inner technology' and allow you to discover your own magic.

Some of you might now be saying, "hold on... that's not REAL psychic ability! That can all be explained!" Ah, but that's the rub! If your definition of psychic power only exists in the realm of the unexplainable, then you will not fully appreciate the magnitude of power you truly possess. The gateway to the unknown lies within the realm of the KNOWN; from there, we begin to discover potentialities that supersede the limits of our ability to explain them (yet).

Here's another example: the human mind is easily the most powerful computer on Earth (so far...). Our brain has over a hundred billion neurons or nerve cells. If we were to compare these to a computer system, each neuron is like a tiny microchip, working in partnership with every other neuron in the body to receive, process, and transmit information in the form of electrochemical, or bioelectrical, signalling. This means that it uses both electrical signals and biochemical signals. For each neuron, there is an average of 7,000 connections (called synapses), working out to on average seven hundred trillion (7.0 × 1014) possible connections. Each of these connections can process and store a piece of information.

In comparison, the largest supercomputer on Earth (a $50 million dollar machine) as of this writing is capable of processing 51.9 teraflops, or 51.9 X 1012 bits of information per second. Two things you should take away from this: 1) your mind is more than 13 times more powerful than the world's biggest supercomputer; 2) if computing power is DOUBLING every two years, it won't be long before our raw processing power is outpaced.

OK, I'll admit that simply comparing synapses to 'flops' may not be the most accurate comparison or raw processing power, but I hope I make my point: your mind is vastly powerful and is woefully underused to its fullest potential

But something is wrong here. If our brains are so incredibly powerful, why do we struggle to remember simple data that even a common home computer with a fraction of our processing power is capable of handling with ease?

The answer lies in our evolution: for almost 250,000 years, our minds were perfectly suited to grant us dominance over our world. While we lacked the sharp teeth, claws and other abilities of animals, we rose to dominance over them due to our intellect. Our minds evolved and allowed us to be good at the things we did every day - hunting, gathering, navigating, etc.

This modern age of philosophy and science has been perplexing to our evolution - the skills that once held dominance have declined, and skills of rational thought, introspection and the ability to decipher the mysteries of the universe have moved into their place. Though there has been some growth in our evolution over homo sapiens' short stay on our planet, for the most part we still THINK like a human being of 10,000 years ago. We don't think about the same things, or have access to the same knowledge (we have access to vastly more), but our thinking processes, on an evolutionary scale, have not changed much.

What's more interesting is that our CONSCIOUS mind - the part that we typically think of as "I", is weak compared to the vast power of our SUBCONSCIOUS mind. For example, while the subconscious (as we saw above) is capable of storing and processing VAST amounts of information, the CONSCIOUS mind is only able to handle seven pieces of information at a time. In test after test, modern psychology has shown that our conscious mind is only able to process and handle seven pieces of information at a time.

Think about it, SEVEN items at a time. Not very powerful, is it? It's like having a fifty million dollar computer hooked up to a device that only has seven buttons on it. The evidence is clear: the real power of the mind exists not in the conscious mind, but in the subconscious.

That's why so much traditional information on psychic abilities and magic powers relies so heavily on strange concepts like invisible energy fields and other things 'unreal' things: the conscious mind is not powerful enough to handle the intricate mechanizations that would create these effects all at once. We can UNDERSTAND that these concepts exist in the mind, and are representative of thousands of interlacing, real-world things, but to try and control all of them individually becomes so difficult that it becomes a waste of time and effort to do so (as per the 'pendulum' we talked about in Part One).

In Part One, I introduced the basic principles of meditation. Understanding and practicing the skill of meditation is necessary to fully appreciate and cultivate the intrinsic power of our minds. By developing our ability to focus and control our thoughts, we begin to realize greater and greater opportunities to allow the power of our subconscious mind to shine through the shallow waters of our conscious mind.
I offer now a more detailed discussion on basic breath meditation:

Basic Breath Meditation, Level 1


The most basic form of mediation is what is also known as breathing meditation. As above, we are practicing the state of present-mind, freeing ourselves from judgment or distraction. Breath meditation is so called as it uses and brings focus to the breath as a vehicle to bring our mind into the present state. While a perfect moment of present-mindedness would be free of any focus BUT the present moment, this is very difficult to even begin cultivating.

When we focus on the breath, we trick our mind into the present moment. The mind can be like a child - if told to just 'sit still and do nothing', it will find this increasingly difficult. So we give it a task and accomplish what we want without having to struggle for it. What's nice about using the breath as a focus is that we normally think of breath in the present moment anyway. It's rare that we find ourselves daydreaming about some future breath, or reminiscing about that breath we took yesterday. It is always present.

So in basic meditation, start by finding a comfortable place, free of immediate distractions. That means you shouldn't be trying to meditate in a room with the TV on. Soft background music is OK, but if you find yourself paying more attention to the music than your breath, consider turning it off.

Now in the perfect scenario is to find or create a 'special place' to meditate. If the area is normally used to watch movies or TV, then the thought of just opening your eyes and turning on the TV will be a constant distraction. If it's your office, thoughts of tackling the work that seems to never end will press on you. However, this is not necessary. Recommended, yes, but not necessary. With practice it won't matter much anyway - the goal is not to remove ourselves from the world, but to learn how to tap into that 'calm center' even though we are in the middle of our frantic day. Still, the more you can isolate yourself physically in the beginning, the easier your practice will become.

Keeping in mind the Three Principles of Meditation (as in Part One), find a comfortable place to sit. Remember, good posture is important.

Next, close your eyes softly, and begin breathing deeply. We do this by focusing not on breathing by expanding our chest, but by expanding our abdomen. If your tummy is pushing out when you breathe in and collapsing when you exhale, that's abdominal, or DEEP breathing. This will be especially important shortly when we look at the more advance version of Breath Meditation.

Deep breathing may come easy for you, and it may not. If it doesn't, exaggerate the movement of pushing out your stomach as you breathe in, and clenching your stomach muscles when you breathe out. This may seem uncomfortable and awkward at first, but with a bit of practice, it should smooth itself out. This is a more natural form of breathing, that for whatever reason we abandon as we get older. Just watch any newborn baby breathing - they naturally breath from their abdomen.

We then begin meditation by counting our breaths. Start by counting slowly to three as you breathe in, then slowly to three as you breathe out: one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand. If this is too short a time to really fill your lungs, then you can increase the number to five. Any more than that however isn't necessary. Just inhale faster (just not too fast).

Breathe as though you were filling a glass of water. In your mind, imagine that you fill your lungs from bottom to the top as you inhale, then reverse it as you exhale. The point being that you want to FULLY fill your lungs as you inhale, and FULLY empty them as you exhale. This is a lot harder than it sounds, especially if you're counting your breaths. You want to work it out so that inhaling and exhaling are BALANCED. You're not sharply inhaling, then slowly exhaling. Count three in, then three out.

Practice this, and every so often you'll notice that you forgot to count. That's OK... in fact, its EXACTLY what we wanted. These are the moments that are 'present-minded'. Don't pat yourself on the back when you realize this has happened (too much), just go back to counting your breaths.

As mentioned above, your thoughts WILL wander from time to time. This is what the counting is for... when it happens, acknowledge the thought, and return to counting your breaths. Again, don't be discouraged. This is completely natural.

So your inner dialogue may sound something like this:
You, as you inhale: "One one thousand..."
"two one thousand..."
"Three one thousand... ok, I'm about to exhale now. "
You, as you exhale: "one one thousand, I guess I shouldn't announce to myself that I'm going to inhale or exhale... oh well."
"two one thousand..."
"Three one thousand..."
You, as you inhale: "one one thousand... I should call my friend, Charlie, later..."
You, as you exhale: "oh, I wasn't counting just then... well, one one thousand..."

Your thoughts drift and are brought back into focus by counting your breaths. Again, every so often you'll be pulled well out of focus, and sometimes you will be so present-minded that you forget to count or anything else. Each is natural. With practice, the times when your mind is distracted will be fewer (though they will never disappear) and the times when you are completely present minded will be more frequent (though you will never stay in such a state very long).

Practicing this daily will develop the habit of meditation. This may seem intimidating at first, but remember, we're not talking about doing anything that requires a long commitment or special preparation. Almost anywhere you are can be a place where you can practice meditation. You will feel the difference with even just TWO MINUTES of meditation practice.

Also, unless you have made the commitment to study a more intensive form of meditation, I don't recommend spending more than 15 minutes in meditation practice. After that, it becomes increasingly difficult. Besides, more is not BETTER. If you think that you're going to get better results by meditating longer and longer, you'll more likely get so board and frustrated that you stop all together, and you'll find all kinds of excuses NOT to do it because 'you just don't have time today to meditate for a half an hour'. 15 minutes should be the upper limit of basic meditation practice, and five minutes should be the norm.


How to Develop Psychic Power - Part One

By Adrien Ladouceur

The human race stands at the threshold of remarkable change. Our technology is growing so fast that our planet, our bodies and even our minds are being reshaped by it. Unfortunately, our technology is changing so quickly that our ability to control how, when and where this reshaping takes place is diminishing. We are less the leaders of the future and more its slaves every day.

We need to reassert ourselves as leaders and innovators - but that's easier blogged than done these days. How do we accomplish this? We've relied so much on outdated models of science and reality - models that no longer serve to wisely guide the course of our race - that it is hard to sort out what is fact and what is fiction any more.

Take the existence of so-called psychic powers and abilities. Search the web and you'll find thousands of websites claiming to have evidence of psychic powers, and others that give you the means to unlock these powers within you. At the same time, you'll find many others that claim to debunk the whole existence of psychic powers to the realm of myth, fantasy and charlatans.

Now I'm not a 'weigh the evidence and you decide' kind of guy. Science, much to the chagrin of many creationists out there, is NOT a democracy. Yes, there is resistance from the scientific community to study psychic phenomenon, but this is mostly due to the sheer number of times that charlatans claiming to have extreme manifestations of psychic ability have been proven to be false. At the same time, there is a sheer lack of common language used in hard science as compared to disciplines that cultivate these abilities.

Take the word "energy". Science has a very specific definition of what energy is - it manifests as light, heat, sound or motion - but psychics use this word with a far more liberal meaning. Makes for a difficult time to communicate, and makes it even more difficult to sort out the fact from the fiction.

So let's get right down to it then: scientists and psychics will both agree that there is a great deal of potential that we have yet to tap into. The big difference is that when we step into this strange realm, the scientist and the psychic will have a very different response. The scientist will downplay what has happened and will declare that the results were 'indeterminate'. The psychic, on the other hand, will build up the events, describing miracles of mythic proportions. The event or ability is no different, but the way it is perceived is very different. But exist they do: from Tibetan monks able to survive sub-freezing temperatures without protective clothing to miracles of healing, I'm happy to report that the unknown still exists.

Try this: go to your favourite search engine and search for "project stargate". Ignore any sites pertaining to the movie or TV show (for now, we're working, neh?). What's left is a variety of websites talking about the now declassified projects that were run by the U.S. Federal Government to investigate the reality and potential military and espionage applications of psychic phenomena. Go to BOTH a proponent website and a sceptic website - if the authors have been honest, they will both have a similar statistic: 13%.

13% is the reported statistical accuracy of the 'remote viewers' (clairvoyants that honed their skill to remotely view other locations of particular military significance). The proponent websites will exclaim how this is FAR greater than what one would expect from random guessing, while the sceptic websites will say exactly the opposite (that it was far LOWER than what one would expect by random guessing). So who is right? If we were hiding an apple or an orange in a box and asking people to 'remotely view' what was in the box (revealing the choices were an apple or an orange), then the statistical chance of guessing right would be 50%. By this comparison, 13% definitely sucks. However, if there is NO information of what could be found at a location, and there are thousands of possibilities of what could be found there, then 13% doesn't sound all that bad. Not what I would call a level of 'actionable intelligence', but one that certainly has potential.

13% says to me that our psychic or 'inner' technology shows promise, but is in a very infantile state. With time, and as our understanding of this science and the universe around us grows, so too will our psychic potential. As Arthur C Clarke predicted, "Any sufficiently advanced form of technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Now I have not forgotten that this is a "how to" article, but I need to establish a common theoretical ground before I get into any mechanics.

Try this: make a small pendulum using a piece of string and something small, like an eraser. Hold the pendulum over a piece of paper where you have drawn a straight line. Stare intently at the line on the paper as you hold the pendulum above it and you should find that shortly the pendulum will begin to swing along the line. Just to test, turn the page so that the line is at a different angle and repeat the test. Try the same test with a circle.

In each case, you should find that the pendulum begins to swing or rotate in alignment with the line or circle you've drawn on the page. No, you have not discovered telekinesis (sorry, this ISN'T the 'how to' portion yet), you are experimenting with a psychological phenomena called the ideo-motor reflex.

Ideo (or 'idea') motor (movement) is a phenomena where the mind will create subtle unconscious changes in the body. Ironically, ideo-motor reflex is a phenomenon that fake psychics have exploited for centuries to create bogus displays of psychic power. But in the case of the pendulum, the focused intent on the line created subtle changes in your nervous and muscular system that in turn got the pendulum swinging in alignment with the line or circle.

But here's the interesting part - try the pendulum experiment again, but instead of focusing on the line, try to swing the pendulum in alignment on purpose (without moving your hand). A bit harder isn't it? If you are successful (most aren't, so don't feel bad if you don't), you'll agree that accomplishing this was much harder, and took a lot more effort than simply focusing on the line.

Martial Artists have used this principle for centuries to cultivate incredible power, momentum and leverage. In breaking boards or blocks for example, the martial artist looks NOT at the hard object in front of him, but imagines the force of his strike moving through the object - as if his hand or foot held a kind of 'energy' (there's that word again) that breaks the object. When throwing a larger opponent, a martial artist looks not at the size of the opponent (which would paralyse his attempt), but imagines an invisible 'connection' that allows him to effortlessly toss his opponent as if he or she were weightless.

The point is not to argue whether the energy or invisible connection exists or not, but to acknowledge that using these ideas allows us to do things that we otherwise could not do - or if we did, we would do so with far more effort. The whole is far greater than the sum of its parts.

In the same way, we can learn how to develop psychic power. At the same time, we can avoid the trap of becoming so converted into 'psychic thinking' that we forget to apply a bit of logic and healthy scepticism - which is necessary to properly develop this technology.

The first gate to developing psychic power that you will find in just about every system or teacher out there is through meditation. Meditation is the most basic and common form of inner cultivation and awareness. Contrary to popular belief, it is not something reserved for ancient Eastern temples or self-help seminars. Meditation is natural and simple, yet is one of the most difficult skills to master. Still, mastery is not necessary to begin reaping the benefits of meditation. In fact, two minutes of simple meditation can increase your efficiency and effectiveness by as much as 33% - bringing into harmonious alignment the mind, body and breath.

The current catch phrase of this 'harmonious alignment' is called the 'mind/body connection' in the healthy lifestyle media. As odd as this may sound, it is really just about resetting things to a more natural state; erasing the illusionary boundaries, as it were, between the mind and the body. At the truly psychic level, this is also about erasing the illusionary boundaries between the body and the world around us... but that's a far deeper topic that's beyond the scope of a simple 'how to' article.

About 2500 years ago, Greek philosophers set the foundation of modern thinking (and thereby modern perception) of, well just about everything Western. One of these was in placing a border between the mind and the body, as if these things were naturally separate. I believe that this is why a lot of the Eastern Teaching seems strange and enigmatic - even hokey - to modern readers (from wherever they were born, Western scientific thought has pretty much permeated across the globe). Eastern Philosophers never MADE this separation. To them, the mind was the body and the body was the mind, and never-you-mind where one ends and the other begins. It's why even something so simple as breathing in Eastern texts takes on a strange and metaphysical demeanour: they are NOT just talking about the physical act of drawing oxygen from the air and taking into the blood stream from the air. They are describing something that is as much imaginative as it is biological, as much mind as it is body, without any attempt to separate one from the other.

Research has also found that the mind, like the muscles of our body, can be conditioned and trained. The skill of meditation practice, that is the skill at bringing our mind into the immediate time and place, gets easier the more you practice. It will allow you to more fully access your capabilities and to be able to do so effortlessly. That's very important -there isn't any special state or magic enlightenment place you are waiting to attain. So there is no need to struggle or endure. You just need to do it, and enjoy the process.

Even if you're doing this 100% right, and are a seasoned practitioner of meditation, you may be surprised to know that on average this perfect state of mind/body synergy lasts for only about seven seconds on average. The difference between a seasoned and skilled meditator and a novice is that the master becomes distracted only for a second, then returns to this state, while the novice get stuck with thoughts like "hey, I was doing it... I was MEDITATING! Oh shoot! Now I'm not! I'm not supposed to be thinking about this, I'm just supposed to be present! Darn it, I'm still thinking about this!!..." And so on.
The novice meditator is kind of like a kid on Christmas eve trying to go to sleep before Santa Claus arrives.

There are THREE Principles of Meditation. They are:

1. Posture: You don't need to sit in a full (or even half) lotus position... or on your head, or any other way that is uncomfortable. While there are schools of meditation that teach a form where the meditator is lying down; I don't recommend it. It's too easy to get SO relaxed that you fall asleep... and then you're not really mediating anymore. Just sit comfortably, maintaining a relaxed yet upright posture. Good posture is important because as you are sitting, you don't want to have the need to shift around to stay comfortable. That just becomes another distraction from what we are trying to do.
Your eyes should be closed (again to remove distractions) but not too tightly. It's even OK if you can see a sliver of light or colour at the bottom of your eye-lids.

2. Breathing: we will discuss breathing in more detail below in the Basic Meditation techniques, but meditative breathing should be slow, relaxed and deep. Breathe as though each breath were a sip of fine wine that you want to savour for as long as possible, yet don't be so greedy that the process becomes uncomfortable.

3. Control: "Thoughts are like children," my teacher said, "ignore them, and they will get louder." Accept that there will be errant thoughts and natural waves of the mind - don't try to FORCE them out, just acknowledge them and allow them to naturally drift away. This is control. Don't be discouraged by having to do this over and over again - it's the process of doing exactly that that meditation practice is all about. You become more focused and powerful with each return from distraction.

These basic principles are common to all forms of meditation. Almost every culture in the world has some form of meditation - some requiring nothing but an open mind, others utilizing everything from bells and incense, mantras, poems, or riddles... even waterfalls. There are even more exotic forms that contain very esoteric religious significance, but the basic root of what they are doing is as described above.

If you want to cultivate your inner resources, becoming more intuitive, creative, energized and even psychic, this is the place to start. As simple as this is, it's not. It takes practice, and it takes patience. However, that doesn't mean you should start meditating for hours at a time to achieve these things sooner. At the beginning, I don't recommend meditating for more than five minutes at a time (or if you're really 'in the zone' no more than 15). Why? Because too much is not a good thing. It's like walking into a gym the first day and trying to bench press 300 lbs. Not only will you likely hurt yourself, your injury will mean it's going to take LONGER to get to that illustrious goal. Now you can't literally hurt yourself with meditating, but meditating for long periods when you're not used to it is only going to put you in a state where your mind is board and easily distracted. Worse, you may become so jaded at the long practices that you will forgo shorter practices when long periods of time are not available, and avoid the long practices because they are so boring and distracting.

But it is this constant practice that will cultivate your psychic power and awareness. From here, there are a lot of great resources both on and offline that will help (there is no possible way that a full accounting of harvesting psychic power can be included in a single article). But as you explore them, don't forget about the basics, keep an open mind and a dose of healthy scepticism.


Discover The Secrets Of How To Awaken Psychic Powers

By Richard Wilkins
Expert Author Richard Wilkins

If you truly wish to learn how to awaken psychic powers, then it is imperative that the rationale behind the learning process is understood. Psychic powers are not a parlor trick or something which should be used to hurt another person, they are instead a gift that everyone has been given. It is up to each individual to receive this gift and learn how to awaken psychic powers within themselves.

Most people will find that their natural paranormal abilities will increase with every act of kindness that they perform. It is as if the universe is thanking them for your pure and good heart. This is perhaps the most important aspect of developing psychic abilities. The old saying that you get what you give is as true now as it ever was. Give to the world and the world will give back. It really isn't a great secret; many people have known this fact their entire lives. This is often one of the first steps people take in learning how to awaken psychic powers, and it is often a very good one.

You must also have the correct mind set when you are trying to learn how to awaken psychic powers. There should be no doubt that everyone possesses these powers. It is essential to think positively and the powers will begin to present themselves. In other words, be open to the truth and reality of psychic powers. If you are constantly doubting or thinking that psychic powers may not be real you are not really open to accepting them into your life. They will still be there, but you will be unable to recognize them.

When learning how to awaken psychic powers it is a good idea to read and learn as much as possible, especially about the power of meditation and relaxation. That is all very good advice, but it is even more important that you learn to take care of yourself also. Reduce stress from your life as much as possible. Stress will muddy your thinking and make it very difficult for psychic powers to shine through. One way to relieve the stress in your life is through diet and exercise. If your body does not feel healthy your mind will not be healthy. Do everything possible to live a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is a perfect exercise for relaxation and de-stressing your life. Practice it daily.

Once you have made the decision to learn how to awaken psychic powers it is easy to find that the methods will enhance every other aspect of life. Once you live a stress free and healthy lifestyle the world will open up. Everyone, yourself included, can discover that their natural born psychic abilities will be able to come to them without restriction.


Real Psychic Abilities - An Insiders Guide to Developing Psychic Powers

By Tina Bardo

In this article I'd like to share with you some GREAT tips on how to develop REAL psychic abilities. The simple truth is that for SUCH a simple subject, the world of psychic phenomena is shrouded in unnecessary layers of MYTH and misinformation. There are SKEPTICS who will tell you psychic phenomena are all a bunch of bunk (and they would be WRONG..:-) and then there are the LOONIES and reactionaries out there that will ascribe psychic significance to every simple or coincidental life situation, giving the skeptics even MORE ammunition to claim all of us who EMBRACE the mysteries of life are nuts! The truth is FAR simpler and more easy to digest. Read on as I explain.

Filed Under: The Magnificent Magic of the Mind

Your mind can do things that NO computer on the planet can accomplish. We are all self aware...and that is a MIRACLE that no science can explain. You can contemplate your own existence...you can create art, think, reflect, show compassion, care and so much more. Psychic abilities, the REAL ones, are as fundamental to our existence and shrouded in the wrappings of our potential as consciousness itself is. And remember - no matter how much the "skeptics" may try to SAY they understand about the mind....there is NO scientific explanation for consciousness itself. But that is a DIFFERENT article for a different time.

Filed Under: What this Means

Psychic abilities can be cultivated and developed. Much the way a babies consciousness grows and evolves to a small child - and then to that of teen, adult and beyond, so too does the psychic skill of those willing to invest the energy into evolving the mental faculties required to watch them grow.

Meditation, for example, is a GATEWAY to psychic powers you can ONLY imagine. (if you don't believe me...read Hindu, bud hist, Kabalistic, and Christian texts on the powers that come with contemplation) You can transform your world through the power of meditation, and I can personally attest to this. Out of body experiences and lucid dreaming exercises are not only EASY to learn, they will open you up to adventures.....powers and possibilities that lie beyond your most colorful imaginations. Remote viewing is REAL and can be learned by just about anybody...as the United States military proved with their two decade experiment called "Operation Stargate" and whose results were recently declassified under the freedom of information act.

There is a world out there


What Are Psychic Powers? The Truth Behind Psychic Powers Explained

By Tina Bardo

In this article we are going to discuss psychic powers, and how ANYONE can cultivate the wild and woolly skills needed to access them! If you are anything like me, you are probably FASCINATED by the paranormal, and are literally dying to figure out whether there is any truth behind any of the amazing claims being made by those who claim to have them. Well, I'm going to shine a BRIGHT light on the REAL truth behind what psychic powers are ( and are NOT) as well as what YOU need to do to activate your own! Read on..:-)

Ok...I want to know! What are Psychic Powers for Real?

Very simple! Psychic powers are simply latent talents that exist in ALL human beings in one form or another, that allow us to access information, and states of consciousness that exist "outside" of our brains. Any information that can be gleaned from a mechanism that is NOT explainable by conventional communication can be said to psychical in nature.

Interesting....what kinds of skills are you talking about?

Easy! Remote viewing, ( seeing at a distance) ESP, clairvoyance, out of body experiences, distant healing, mediumship, and just about ANY of the avalanche of well proven phenomena that science simply CAN'T explain with a conventional view of our brains being the source (and limit) of our consciousness.

Hmmm.....How Can I Tap Into These Skills?

Practice! Just like art, basketball or riding a bike..:-) What works best for me is meditation and brain entrainment audio software, which creates BLISSFUL states of altered consciousness and AMAZING adventures into the magic (and the MYSTERIES) that lie JUST outside your minds eye..;-)


5 Exciting Ways to Develop Your Psychic Powers With Brainwave Entrainment

By Tony Manning-Stanley
Expert Author Tony Manning-Stanley

Whether you think you are psychic or not, there is a likelihood that you will have underlying psychic abilities that you were born with, but just need to be developed. Most people find that once they work on their psychic skills, just like any other skill, with constant exercise psychic abilities can become second nature to them.

Brainwave entrainment can be used for many applications, but the phenomenon of entrainment for psychic development is one of the most exciting.

Here are some of the psychic states that can be enhanced through brain entrainment techniques:

Chakra Tuning - The direction of spiritual energy around the body via chakra centres.
Psychic/ESP - Developing intuition and tuning into hunches and gut-feelings.
Remote Viewing - Project your consciousness to enable viewing of distant events.
Telepathy -Transmitting and receiving thoughts from others.
Aura Viewing - Sense the true nature of those you meet by reading the aura they transmit

Each of these, is a separate application within brainwave entrainment and there are specially developed frequency recordings produced to make each of these areas easy to achieve.

These powers, only previously displayed by mystics and psychics, have now been made possible for anyone with the interest and motivation to achieve. There has always been a shroud of mystery around psychic abilities but the fine tuning of the mind is now possible through brain entrainment techniques.

There are three ways to achieve each of these mental states: monaural beats, binaural beats and isochronic tones.

Monaural beats can be played through headphone or speakers and are two simultaneous frequencies which govern the mental frequency to be induced.

Binaural beats are to be used via headphones only and induce a result by playing tones at two different frequencies, with a resulting beat being interpreted as the difference between the beats. So for example, by playing a frequency of 100hz and 106hz a frequency equivalent to 6hz would be induced.

Isochronic tones are the most effective, they can be played by speaker or headphones and are played at a simultaneous frequency, but with a stronger pulse rate which makes the effect more pronounced.


How to Develop Psychic Abilities! - Easy & Effective

By Matt Coleman
Expert Author Matt Coleman

Everyone is born with natural psychic abilities, but few choose to fully develop their powers. Don't let anything stop you from discovering your full psychic potential. You're never too old, too sick, too tired, or too weak to start!

Here are 3 crucial steps on how to develop psychic abilities. Stick to these practices daily, or as often as possible. Remember that patience and perseverance are the keys to unlocking your psychic potential.

1.Keep A Dream Journal.
The longer you wait to record a dream, the more difficult it is to remember. So, as soon as you wake up, get out a pen and some paper, and describe the dream in as much detail as possible.

Pay close attention to who was in the dream, where you were, and to specific images or feelings that felt especially vivid.

Recognize patterns within the dream. Look for patterns that relate to other dreams you've had.

People don't realize that understanding your dreams is one of the most powerful ways to become in touch with your psychic intuition. Powerful psychics can learn virtually anything from their dreams! It's all about becoming familiar with reoccurring signs and symbols.

2.Practice Daily Meditation.
We are are most in touch with ourselves, and with outside energies, when we are calm and relaxed. It is only in a state of relaxation that we can receive and interpret the signals around us. This is why meditation is absolutely crucial to every psychic.

Find a peaceful, quiet place, (maybe at the park, or in the garden -- someplace without the daily distractions of our lives). Sit and take in several deep, calming breaths. Try to let go of your conscious thoughts as you go deeper and deeper into a state of meditation.

Don't try to force your mind into a state of calm. Instead, let your mind become calm. Meditation should feel soothing!

3.Tune Into Your Awareness.
Begin to notice whenever anyone says something like "It's as though you read my mind!" Ask yourself: "What made them say this?", "How did I guess at their thoughts?", "What other clues led me to understand their reasoning?"

Then, look at the situation from the perspective of an outsider. Ask questions and explore possible answers to the situation. Psychic intuition is inseparable from awareness.

As your mental awareness grows, so will your psychic intuition. There are psychics who claim to be able to hear people's thoughts as though they are hearing someone speak! That's intuition!

These are three simple steps that will help you learn how to develop psychic abilities.


Psychic Predictions - Are They From a Supernatural Source?

By Jack Folsgood

Psychic predictions are rarely 'set in stone' and we often... some say we always have the capacity to change our destiny.

Many people are searching for the truth of a certain situation and when the answer is not clear it has become second nature for many people to get on the internet and do a search for an online psychic.

Psychic predictions are based on something similar to the concept of perpetual momentum. If energy continues unencumbered in one particular direction certain results will occur. So it can be said that psychics do in fact tune in to a supernatural source unavailable to most people and base their statements and their predictions upon information they receive from this unseen energy and blueprint of our lives that as some believe is all around us all the time.

It is extremely important to remember that life is filled with choices and the choices you have made up until this point in your life have gotten you to where you are. If you are unable to accept at least some responsibility for your situation then there is no one, not even a psychic, much less a free psychic that can help you resolve your situation.

Psychic predictions are a common occurrence. There have been predictions and psychic advice given by soothsayers, fortunetellers, and others since the beginning of mankind. People love to listen to predictions for the future. Especially their own future.

A prediction by someone with known psychic power gives many people a sense of peace even if it is not something they really wanted to hear. After a personal psychic prediction people feel that they at least know a little bit more of what to expect in the future.

Psychic predictions are not like predicting trends where someone views all the evidence and probabilities and then makes an educated guess. A true psychic often does see the future very clearly. People are often amazed at the accuracy given to them regarding their family situations, friends, relationships, and health.

Predictions for the future seem to be getting even more popular as the year 2012 approaches. Mankind has often been obsessed over certain dates in the past, and this date is no different. It is important however to realize that although this earth may being going through troubled times at the moment there is no real evidence (no matter how many television shows you have seen) that this time it really is the end of days.

If you have a "psychic" or any other type of soothsayer trying to convince you of anything different be aware that they may have a hidden agenda, particularly parting you from your money.

Based on research, a lot of psychic predictions have come to pass, but the real truth or correctness of a past prediction is often in how it is interpreted. Those who believe in this sort of ability to predict the future tend to ascribe more weight to the predictions. Those who do not believe will always find a flaw in it. Psychic predictions are not set in stone and we all have the power to change our destiny. Never forget that.

In all of history a psychic reading has been proffered as a major cure for the peoples social, cultural, economic, religious, and careers issues.

What really is a psychic reading?

There are many options available for those who are searching out a true psychic advisor and a valid psychic who has a good reputation and pure talent. It is essential that they are able to be truthful about their gift and to be one that really can foresee the future.

Some people feel best actually talking to a clairvoyant on the phone or in person and others are a bit more comfortable communicating via e-mail. Many options are available and easy to find using the internet. Many psychics offer an initial free consultation. Most people find this the best way to start their search for a reliable advisor and to see if they feel comfortable with one particular psychic over another.



Phone Psychic Readings - 5 FAQs

By Tana Hoy
Expert Author Tana Hoy

Psychic readings have taken the world by storm, and they are the most sought psychic services of today. Nowadays, getting a psychic is as easy as 1-2-3. In fact, you can even get readings from the comforts of you home through the telephone!

Yes, readings can be done over the phone; and it is even the most popular trend these days. Have you ever tried to get a reading over the phone? Although phone readings are very popular, there are still a number of things about it that people are hesitant about. Here are five frequently asked questions on phone readings:


A phone reading can only be given by a very powerful psychic. These individuals are well versed in their craft because they are able to powerfully channel their energies to connect with yours despite the boundaries of time and space between you and the reader.


What happens during the session is somewhat similar when you get your psychic face to face with your reader (minus the part where you see your reader of course). Your psychic will read you by channelling his energies to connect with yours. He may meditate during the start of the session to gather information about your past, present, and future. He will then explain all the things that he gets from his information search. Don't worry, your psychic reader won't just blab the whole time. Likewise, you can keep asking your reader your questions when you are in the session and he will give you the answers you are looking for. But of course, don't expect that readings can give you winning lotto numbers and answers to other unethical questions.


Truth is, readings given over the phone are reliable because after all, the readers who give them are very powerful. However, always take extra precaution when selecting a reader. We cannot deny that there are a number of con artists out there who might take advantage of you. So it's always advisable to do your fair share of research to get a reputable reader before you invest in their psychic readings.


Services for phone readings are widely available these days. If can't get a referral for a reader from people you know, the easiest option is to search for one yourself. All you need to do is scan through a directory - a phone directory or an online directory. Going online can give you a global list of psychic readers in just a few clicks! Usually, reputable readers have very well made websites that you can check out. You may then book an appointment for your readings online too.


In general, readings given via the phone cost more compared to the typical face to face reading. On the average, a very good reading can cost you somewhere in between $200 to $300 per session. Then again, always remember that it's not the price of the session that determines the quality of a reading - it's always the abilities of the psychic reader that can guarantee very good readings.


Ask a Psychic: Can a Psychic Tell Me When I'M Going to DIE? (Hint - Do NOT Ask!)

By Danny Fredricks

Can a psychic tell me when I'm going to die? Can they tell me what to avoid doing to live longer? Do psychics predict accidents, or illnesses or disease and if so, is there anything I can do to CHANGE my fate? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at a pretty common question that MANY people ask during a psychic reading or if they DON'T ask it, they wonder and want to anyway! Sound like you? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!

Filed Under: Can psychics predict death?

The truth? Some psychics are known to have an amazing sensitivity to a pending death or demise. Many intuitives, clairvoyants and mediums have publicly predicted celebrity deaths well in advance, and while I'm not a big believer in doing this, some of the more well known cases are hard to dismiss as good guesses.

For example? Both President Kennedy AND his assassin (Lee Harvey Oswald) were famously predicted to die within days of each other, Ronald Reagan's assignation attempt was publicly proclaimed by several famous psychics of the time, Yizhak Rabin (the Israeli President) was not only publicly warned that he would be killed by a well known clairvoyant, there were actually written accounts in the paranormal book "The Bible Code" that purported to document the actual DAY of his death, and the name of his killer as well)

My point is only........

That there is a long history of psychic predictions made about high profile deaths in a public way that HAVE in fact come to pass and many of these are specific enough to be credible and to not be easily dismissed as guesswork or lucky.

Even MORE powerful?

Most good psychic mediums will tell you they first happened upon their psychic skills through seeing, or sensing the death of a close relative, friend or neighbor as a child. Even more mediums will tell you they were visited at the moment of death by someone who had JUST died, or saw an apparition of someone who came to say goodbye as well. (often called a crisis apparition, or after death communication)

I believe that SOME psychics can tell when you are going to die, and how you go as well. But I also believe it's much more of a glimpse, or a fragment, or a passing picture that they don't quite capture in full. Some of the celebrity psychics I've spoken to, for example....say that they see it like a LIFE review moving in fast forward with all the major chapters and scenes showing up for a split second, including the end!

But you should NEVER ask.......

And a good psychic or medium won't tell you if you do! Why? Because it's not comfortable conversation. And they COULD be wrong. And most good clairvoyants want to empower you with information that helps you make POSITIVE choices to improve your life right now. (giving you information about what they see at the end of your life will RARELY accomplish that, and more often than not, will create fear and conflict instead)

Remember -

I truly believe that we all here for a reason. That there is a purpose, and a path, and a specific mission in your life you are here to achieve. These are usually matters of the heart - love, relationships, and learning to understand and enhance your own spiritual growth. Focus on THAT in your next psychic reading and you'll find the answers you seek are FAR more powerful, and easy to use than worrying about what's out of your control! (because if you live your life like it was meant to be lived....the best is ALWAYS yet to come!)

Warning! Don't get scammed by another "fake" Psychic EVER Again!

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