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Mudras & Hand Symbolism: Mudra Power Part 1

By Leonard Lee
Expert Author Leonard Lee

[Note: This paper contains images which may be seen as originally published at our website]

Why practice mudras?

Some students on the spiritual path have a faulty understanding concerning mudras. They feel that it is far beneath their dignity and that they no longer require any kriyas or external methods in order to attain enlightenment. They even arrogantly belittle others who incorporate mudras into their spiritual disciplines. Though it may be true that external forms of movement or gestures are not essential, they do offer a great boost of energy and power to maintain and support one's position on the path towards the Light. Individuals who blatantly declare that mudras are not a necessary part of sadhana or spiritual discipline, or who find such practices beneath them for they are presently engage in "higher methods" are those that have not reached the spiritual goal themselves and have not acquired a universal point of view. They seek to fly before they can run, or run before they have learnt to walk properly; or even stand before able to walk gracefully. They remove the rungs on the ladder on which they are standing. They seek to imitate the state of the enlightened ones without undergoing the necessary disciplines to reach that state themselves.

May we state emphatically here that we do agree that mudras may not be required by some. It all depends on their present state of awareness, spiritual development, and psychic purity. Nevertheless, may we remind our readers that even high beings such as spiritual avatars, Buddhas, and celestial Bodhisattvas regularly assume mudras to teach, to invoke energies, and to carry out their spiritual tasks. By stating this we would like to point out that mudras may be practiced by anyone, no matter where he or she may stand on the evolutionary path, and with great mundane and supermundane benefit.

Benefits of Mudra Practice

It would be interesting to note the benefits of mudra practices--the effects that they have on the mind, body, psyche and bio-magnetic fields. Below are just a few worth considering that are directly palpable or perceptible through personal experience:


I.Q. improvement

Empowerment of the Aura

Expansion of consciousness

Awakening of the three aspects of kundalini

Acquisition of siddhis (paranormal powers)

Transformation & regeneration of the physical body



The power of mudras clears the subtle channels and psychic centers in the etheric body allowing life-force to flow unhampered to the organs and all parts of the body. Regeneration and improved health is the result.

I.Q. Improvement

As the cleansing process takes place in the head, clarity of mind is felt and the mental faculties are considerably enhanced making it possible for the innate soul-intelligence to express itself with greater intensity.

Empowerment of the Aura

The magnetism produced by the mudras cleanses the bio-magnetic field of the body and empowers it with greater vitality also forming a protective shield against negative forces.

Awakening of the three aspects of kundalini

The three aspects of kundalini: prana kundalini, chit kundalini, and para kundalini are awakened and stimulated to greater activity.

Expansion of Consciousness

As a result of the cleansing process and the activation of Shakti in the form of kundalini, one's consciousness is transformed, transcending ordinary awareness.

Acquisition of Siddhis

In concomitant with the transformation of one's consciousness, certain powers and virtues of the soul would unfold and dormant spiritual senses would arise.

Transformation & Regeneration of the Physical Body

The overall effect of the constant practice of mudras is the complete transformation and regeneration of the mind-body principle, a spiritual expansion of the consciousness stylized in the Mystery Schools as the "Second Birth" and symbolised by the newly-born phoenix bird that grew out of the ashes of the old.


The Theory of Mudras and its Practice

Mudras attracts cosmic energy into the microcosm. They arouse the etheric body's latent energy into awakened activity. All of the dormant nerve cells of the brain are vivified and stimulated into action. The functions of the organs of the physical body are optimized. The immunity system is strengthened. The energies that mudras awaken manifests as magnetic and electrical force depending on their form.

Like the physical body, the etheric body has its own "nervous" system, or channels conveying prana and other energies of etheric origin. In yoga teachings, these channels are called, "nadi." In Hindu texts the number of nadis are variably given as 72,000 and 350,000, of which 72 nadis are said to be particularly important. Every mudra clears some of these channels from impurities and psychic toxins. There is not one mudra, however, that have the power to cleanse all of them. For this reason the practitioner of mudras incorporate and employ many mudras in his daily routine.

There are many components of the psycho-energetic system that mudras affect, not just the nadis. With the power of mudras, the chakras, for instance, are freed from obstructions and congestion; the aura is cleansed of negative effluvia, and the subconscious mind is purged of its negative contents.

While practicing certain mudras, especially the types that generate or attract cosmic energies, the hands if clasped together for some time, would break apart and move independently. The practitioner should not be too concerned over this but just go with the flow. The hands break apart for the simple reason that enough power has been collected and that the cleansing or magnetizing processes are now under way. When the body accumulates more power than it can handle, or when it has assimilated enough energy from the incorporeal worlds, the hands would naturally fall out of formation, vibrate and shake in peculiar ways.

Aside from the invocation of energies, of communion with divine forces, mudras as mentioned before, also have the power to purify the etheric nervous system and the energy-centers to be found in the etheric body. It cleanses all obstructions and congestion that prevents the free flow of pranic and kundalinic forces through the nadis and the chakras. The etheric or "vital" body as it is sometimes called, is the blueprint and the power house of the physical body. When the interface between these two bodies are affected adversely in some way because of the toxins that we generate through negative thoughts and emotions, and the degenerative substances found in the food that we consume, and likewise uncleared karma and trauma, then the physical body would suffer as a consequence. Ill health and a poor immunity system would result. Substances would crystallize in the tissues and the fluid-networks in the body, giving rise to muscular pain, impaired functioning of the organs, and the ossification of blood vessels which technically is the diseased condition referred to as arteriosclerosis. Certain mudras may heal these maladies.

While performing mudras, it is not unusual for the hands, arms, body and head to move on their own accord. The movement patterns that the mudras generate during practice are countless. In fact, just when you thought you have seen them all, a new one appears. Mudra gestures and body motions are kinetic expressions of the elemental forces in the psycho-physical body. The predominating force propels the mudras in a distinctive pattern. Earth energy makes the least movements. When the hands in a mudra pose remain in a single position for long periods is indicative that the earth element is prevailing. The water element moves the hands in large, wide circles or wavy movements. Fire energy causes the hands to move with great force in straight movements and jerks. The elemental force of air is graceful and flowing. Its movement is a combination of curves and straight lines. Most nondescript motions of the hand belong to the Akasha (etheric) element. In Yogic teachings, this subject of elements belongs to the field of Tattva Vidya (Science of the Elements).

The directions in which the mudras flow likewise reveal the element in power. Upward movements indicate the influence of air; downward, that of earth; to the right or forward, fire; to the left or to the rear, water.

Why do mudras cause the hands and arms to move without any direction or control by the conscious mind? As we clasp our hands in mudra formation we cause energy to build up in the various psychic vortices in our hands, arms, and body. These vortices take on different polarities--positive, negative, and neutral. These emanating centers fluctuate in their polarity and strength in concordance with the currents generated. The resultant magnetic fields of these vortices interact with one another causing the law of attraction and repulsion to take effect. This causes the fascinating motions of the mudras. However, it should be emphasized that even though the conscious mind does not produce the swaying and oscillation of the body appendages, it does have the power to cause the motions to cease. Therefore, there should not be any fear that mudra practices might cause an impairment in the conscious control of one's motor movement.

Time and Place for Mudra Practice

Mudras may be practiced at any convenient time--at odd moments of the day. However, as a discipline, it would be beneficial to practice mudras in the morning and evenings. Practice mudras prior to meditation, for they are conducive to a more relaxed and deep meditative state.

Mudras should be practiced in an isolated place or room, well ventilated, and free from any disturbances and prying eyes. Because of the mystifying movements that the hands make we do not want any outsider to think that we have gone bonkers.

How long should each mudra be held? Generally, each mudra is to be positioned for a period of 5-30 minutes. Let your intuition function here. It will tell you when you are ready to stop or continue with a succeeding mudra if required. Sometimes in a practice session, the mudras themselves will tell you when it has done its work and that you may proceed with the next one. This is indicated by mudra movements launching from its position in front of the body or chest and then returning to it to remain still and quiet.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore



Practical Magick - Don't Let Fear Hold Your Magick Back

By Z. Calandra
Expert Author Z. Calandra

In this article I'm going to outline one of the main reasons why so many wannabe occultists achieve little to no result with their magick, and how you need to avoid this mistake if you want to master real practical magick.

Do you want to know the real goal of 99.99% of people that practice or research magick? They are interested in magick because of the power it could give them. It doesn't matter if this power comes in the form of money, luck, love, sex, knowledge, or even if they do magick to help someone else; ultimately, what they hope to achieve with magick is to gain more power: power over the world, power over others, and power over their destiny.

It may seem obvious, but think about all the people that claim to practice magick but at the same time try to scare you off from using magick for personal gain: why do they do that? Either they are lying to themselves, or they are lying to you. Most of them haven't been able to fully let go on the stigma associated with magick in mainstream culture and religion, and, more importantly, the stigma associated with ambition and wanting more power. Others may be purposefully lying to prevent you from being successful with magick, but that's another topic.

If you want to practice magick, this is a trap you need to avoid. In order to be a true witch, mystic, warlock or whatever, there is an important thing you need to do first: you must GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION. Ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish with magick? Am I scared it may misfire if I use it for selfish reasons? Do I think wanting more power is wrong?

If you let those fear hold you back, you will never be successful with magick. Let go of your fears, realize that there is nothing wrong in wanting more from your life and that you DESERVE to achieve the power to control your destiny.

This is the first step in your journey to achieve real magickal power.


Law Of Attraction Is "Magick"

By Dean Lacono
Expert Author Dean Lacono

To many, the results of consciously using the Law of Attraction seem like "magick." I've heard many teleseminars, the presenters in the movie The Secret and reading books on intention and Law of Attraction equate the results of manifestation to being like magick.

I've read, studied and practiced magick (or as friends and I refer to it "applied metaphysical phenomenon") for several years.

I spell magic with a 'k' to differentiate the use of sleight-of-hand from the occult sciences. It's a common spelling in occult writings. For years I also taught, sold and performed magic shows. So for clarification in my writings I'll be using both spellings. The spelling with a 'k' will refer to the occult sciences.

Now, don't panic about the word occult, dictionaries define it to mean secret, obscure or hidden. Hence the title of the movie The Secret is so appropriate.

Now, what's interesting about my studies of magick, is that it was packed full of ritual and ceremony. That was appealing to me. Some might say it's because I'm a recovering Catholic. I was also attracted to the occult because of the mystery. Who doesn't want to know a good secret? I also had a desire for personal power; I wanted to make things happen. This was in part due to my feeling insecure and with little self confidence. I thought that the magickal powers would make everything better. I was looking for the answer outside of myself, in the ritual and ceremony without looking inward for my own power.

Good teachers of the occult sciences and all teachers of Law of Attraction I've come across put the responsibility squarely on each individual's shoulders.

I can tell you that the same basic principles of the Law of Attraction are the basic principles of magick. Occult magick is a formalized application of tuning in the mind, body and spirit, also known as a spell, to cause a manifestation. Not so different from any teacher's Law of Attraction program than another's. It's just their spin, their experience, their way of sharing the same information. Much like what you read here.

When preparing for a magickal ritual, the practitioner will determine that which they desire to happen or manifest, some might call this a goal. Many systems of magick will start with a meditation or some relaxation technique, a key component of Law of Attraction teachers espouse is the practice of meditation or some relaxation technique. While performing the magickal ritual, the practitioner is to work themselves up into a frenzy, a higher state of excitement about their desire and to visualize there desire manifested. Similarly, Law of Attraction is based on energy frequencies and higher levels of energy focused through the visualization of the desire.

Once the ritual is completed, the practitioner is to release the energy built-up in the ritual and "let it go" out into the Universe to let the Powers That Be bring into being the practitioner's desire.

The Law of Attraction works like magic because it is magick. (Yes, I did use both spellings on purpose.)

The New Age movement; Neopaganism, Druidism, Shamanism, Wicca, etc. the numerous references of the occult sciences in today's society are all evidence that the secret is out in the public awareness. The explosion of media coverage of books and movies, the number of websites and blogs, the coaches and teachers are just lifting the veil of mystery that has shrouded the Law of Attraction behind the occult sciences.

And Quantum Physics is providing the scientific, empirical evidence that sorcerers, wizards and witches have worked with for centuries.

Blessed Be

Dean Lacono is the author and creator of Law of Attraction for Beginners [http://www.lawofattractionforbeginners.com]. Sharing his experiences with Law of Attraction and Power of Intention principles brings these concepts to life as we see practical and real life experiences unfold before us.


Magickal Oils of Indonesian Shamanism Part 2

By Leonard Lee
Expert Author Leonard Lee

Note: The following descriptions of the magickal oils contain foreign words and phrases (Javanese/Arabic/Indonesian)--they are left untranslated for proper identification of the oils and the mantras/prayers associated with them.

Minyak Istanbul

Istanbul oil is one of the more common magickal types easily found sold in the Arab communities all over Indonesia and worn especially by the teachers of Islam. It has various grades and the good ones exude a very pungent, but fragrant scent. Once smelled it is hardly ever forgotten. It remains as a lasting memory. The scent is quite enduring, sometimes lasting for days on one's person and some say, may be sensed as far away as 20 feet--though this may be an exaggeration. Because of its pungency, not too many people agree well with it, saying that it makes their head whirl.

Minyak Istanbul although worn as an ordinary perfume among the pedagogues of Islam, is also used by shamans as a potent oil for the purposes of romance, sexual attraction, and charisma. When empowered with one's personal energies and thought-form, anyone within the range of the scent would not only look our way, but feel attracted and have the desire to socialize with us. The opposite sex would find us beautiful or good-looking. Pure Istanbul oil is hard to procure, most of what is sold through market places have been diluted and blended with other oils.

The oil may be consecrated with the following mantra to attract a specific person:


"Ingsun matek ajiku sibayang-bayang rasa

"Aji minyak istanbul sing kramat pengasihan

"Siapa lihat dia terpikat dan turut terpikat

"Siang kharisma nabi Yusuf as ada di wajahku

"Allahuma ya Allah" 7x

"Ya Muhammad" 3x

"Inkanat ila syaihatan wahidatan fa idzahum Jamiul ladaina muhdhorun" 7x

"Sing aku pantek si (the name of the person one wishes to attract) datang padaku haqqul yakin."

Minyak Sinyong-Nyong

Among the many wonder oils of the Dayaks is (Si)-Nyong-nyong. This minyak originates with the Iban tribe. It is a rare magical love oil used by the natives of Kalimantan mostly for keeping one's spouse faithful, although it is also applied in other affairs related to the heart by both men and women.

It is said that men who are affected by the influence of this oil would never commit adultery, even-though under barraged by the wildest temptation that the fairer sex may direct to them. In the event a man were to succumb to the wiles and seduction of a temptress, he would discover himself losing his sexual potency and would be unable to perform the coitus rite. The strange thing is that although impotent when it comes to other women, the body would function normally when fulfilling sexual duties towards one's lawful wife.

Nyong-nyong is made through a complex ritualistic process that is kept secret by the producers of this oil. It is usually manufactured during the natal day of the magically powerful head of the tribe. According to sources, on this special day, enchanted bottles are hung compulsorily on a certain banyan tree species for seven days and nights, after which time the bottles are magically filled with a thick fluid, and this is known as Nyong-nyong. The rite is not always successful which accounts for its rarity.

Nyong-nyong may be applied in many ways, one way is to have it ingested by the unsuspecting subject. Several drops in the subject's drink is enough to cause him to reject the approaches of other women. The affect of the oil may only last for several weeks or months, during which time the enchanter would repeat the process to maintain the status quo.

In general, the many love oils of the Dayaks may be applied for influencing another using the following rite:

Take some dirt or soil from the subject's footprints and wrap it up in a white piece of cloth, after which several drops of a love oil should be applied on the bundle. After this is done, the bundle of soil should be placed beneath one's pillow. The subject should then be visualized in an appropriate manner while calling out his or her name at least three times. Simultaneously, the pillow should be turned repeatedly and beaten.

Although difficult to acquire, Nyong-nyong oil is available to those that search for it. Minyak Nyong-nyong may be found sold by some perfume dealers, peddlers, and commercial psychics although the genuineness of the oil offered is questionable.

Minyak Air-Mata Duyung

This oil is the eye-secretion, or tears of the sea mammal, called, dugong (sea-cow) or "duyung" among the locals here in Indonesia. The creature sheds tears for lubrication of the eyes. The duyung is long believed to be the mythological mermaid and related to the Greek "sirens"; however, the latter is often referred to by Indonesian folklorists as "putri-duyung" and is quite different from the "ikan-duyung" or the dugong. Its scientific classification is as follow :

Family: Pugongidae in the order Sirenia.

Classification: Dugong dugon.

When unintentionally caught in fishermen's nets, perhaps out of the pain of struggle, the gentle and harmless dugong sheds these "crocodile tears." Most fishermen are careful to wipe these tears off the dugong with cotton swabs before returning the creature to the sea. The fluid in the cotton is later pressed and released into vials.

The oil or eye-secretion of the dugong has a wonderful but slight scent and is highly-prized for its magickal power to attract the opposite sex and is often used as a stand-alone or a blend with other magickal oils of nature with high pheromone content. In appearance, the "minyak air-mata duyung" is crystal-clear like water of a stream. Because of its scarcity, it is very costly.

Minyak Bulus

Minyak Bulus is derived from the fat of the fresh-water turtle and is used as an active ingredient for increasing the size of sexual appendages such as breasts and penises. It has a thick, yellowish appearance. When purchasing this oil one ought to be cautious as there are many fakes in the market-place. To use this oil one simply anoints and massages one's breast or penis with it. Scientific research on the virtues of the Bulus oil has not yet been conducted as far as we know, but generations of use of the oil gives credence to it's amazing properties.

Minyak Apel Jin

During rites of spirit-conjurations and evocations, shamans and those involved with Islamic occultism here in Indonesia often appropriate the Apel Jin oil for facilitating the contact. This oil has a black appearance. The thicker forms of this oil appears like tar and may be burnt on glowing embers as incense. The Apel-Jin is mostly used to conjure regional or house-spirits or those entities belonging to the lower astral realm. Its composition is a highly kept secret but some say that it contains products extracted from domestic live-stock or farm animals. The Apel-Jin comes in various grades and originally packed in apple-like brass containers--thus giving its name.

Minyak Lintah

Lintah means "leech." Minyak Lintah is thus translated into "Oil of Leeches." This oil, like the minyak bulus, is used to increase the size of the male penis and many have confirmed as to its efficacy. The oil has a black appearance and is derived from leeches prepared in a secret-manner. The application method is similar as the Minyak Bulus.

Minyak Kesambi and Minyak Banyu Urip

The "Banyu Urip" and Kesambi oils are names of products given by their adept-producer. These oils are extracted from the sap of certain trees and then empowered with magickal-force. The User only need consume the potions for the powers to begin to take effect in his body. The virtues of the Banyu Urip oil are as follow: it strengthens the bones; it builds-invulnerability against sharp weapons; it causes wounds to heal quickly; it strengthens the skin; it gives magickal protection against negative entities and forces; it increases one's personal magnetism; it gives one "sabda siddhi" or it causes one's words to have power; it increases psychic sensitivity, etc. The Kesambi oil is a class more powerful than the Banyu Urip--aside from invulnerability against sharp weapons, it also makes one invulnerable against bullets. The consumption of 7 bottles of either one of the oils gives long-lasting permanent effects of the powers.

Minyak Cimande

Among martial-artists of Pencak Silat here in Java, Indonesia, the Cimande (pronounced: Chee-Mun-Day) oil is quite famed for its power of invulnerability and its ability to assist the healing of broken bones, bruises, wounds, muscle-pull, twisted ligaments, etc. The physical formula and appearance of the Cimande oil may vary from one shaman producer to another, but the magickal power permeating them as empowered by these producers, are the same. Some of the ingredients of the Cimande oil are scarce and not easily obtainable; therefore, occasionally, the producers of the Cimande oils have to make do with what is available and use the best substitutes--this also contributes to the different appearances from one stock to another even by the same producer. There are many of these Cimande oils sold in traditional markets but not all are genuine--most have been diluted by their resellers to make more profit, so one has to exercise caution when purchasing them. The reseller's practice of cutting the oils is looked upon with a great amount of irritation by their producers.

There are basically two types of Cimande oils--although more are said to exist. These two types of oils may have various appearances, and often, even resembling; however, they are to be differentiated by their purposes and not their looks. The first type is the regular Cimande "balur" oils used for massages, for healing bruises and minor injury cases. The second type helps to heal broken-bones and applied for major muscle injury. It also builds-up invulnerability against sharp-weapons and punches in the user. Some Cimande-oils may be ingested for healing the organs. Cimande-oils may have strong sweet-sourish odors depending on the ingredients used.

The Cimande-oil is highly praised by those involved in martial-arts and contact-sports.

Minyak Ponibasawa

One of the magickal oils appropriated in Islamic occult practice in Indonesia is the Ponibasawa oil. This oil is especially used for uncovering known treasures hidden in certain sites or manifesting money, gold, and jewels through occult rituals. Genuine Ponibasawa oils have been consecrated with the verses of the Quran and the Divine Names--as recited by a whole "choir" of spiritual adepts and their students. The actual force of the ponibasawa lies in the khodams or angelic servants of the Quranic verses and Divine Names anchored into the oil and especially represented by the needles immersed within them. Great energy is also released by the oil in the evaporation process during occult rites, and this conveys the necessary energies for the khodams of the oil to conduct their assigned task. Many anomalies have been noted regarding the ponibasawa oils or its variants, such as, when the vial of the oil is placed in a glass of water, it would cause the evaporation of the water at a very rapid rate. Some have claimed that the khodams of the ponibasawa oils dislike alcohol, thus when brought near bottles of alcoholic beverages, the latter would shatter into pieces.

During rites of treasure retrieval or manifesting money or gold from the ethers, the oil is normally used in conjunction with high grades "Buhur," or powdered incenses. Certain prayers and mantras are recited to activate the power and forces associated with the oil.

There are many ponibasawa oils sold in traditional markets, but they are not all genuine and most of them are fakes in the sense that they are unempowered with occult force. The genuine ones are very costly and scarce and are said to come from Turkey. Ponibasawa oils are of various colors and come in sealed vials in larger glassed-tubes. The number of sealed vials may vary, from one to three--or even more. In each of the sealed vials are empowered needles of a variable amount--the more needles they contain, the more potent the oil--some variants of the ponibasawa oil do not contain any needles, though.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore


Why People Use Spell Casting And Magick Rituals To Make Things Work To Their Advantage

By Olivia Fiore

Is life passing you by? Are you standing around watching everyone you know gain all the things that you want out of life? Do you want money, love, health and happiness? All of these things are easily attainable when you use a magick spell. Magick spells have been used for thousands of years to help people gain or attract what they need out of life. Most people are scared of witchcraft, spell casting or anything to do with magick because they automatically think that it's dark or evil. People also think that they will be punished for using magick in any way to gain what the want. This isn't always the case. If you use magick in the right way, you will not be punished. Yes, there are people in the magickal realm that use magick that's dark in nature. Then there's the other witches and spell casters that use their god given gift of magick powers for good. They use their magick to help others in need. If you were to read about magick and get educated on the subject you would find that it is a safe practice used to attract something you need or want in life. The work Magick can be defined as the changing of future events by rituals and procedures or spells cast by a professional spell caster. A witch or a spell caster shouldn't be feared. She is a healer, a fortune teller and reader of dreams.

Now that you know a little bit about magick and that it's a safe way to attract the things you want or need in life, we can now tell you how it can help you in your every day life! Magick can help you if you feel that you haven't reached your full potential, if you don't have the life you always imagined, and it can help you if you aren't fulfilling your dreams. Magick can help you achieve serenity, predict the future, gain material wealth, heal yourself, tune yourself in to Nature, gain love and protect yourself from unwanted attacks, both psychic and physical. The possibilities are endless when you use magick in your life.

Here are the top three popular magick spell castings that witches and spell casters perform for their clients. People who aren't familiar with how to cast their own spells usually seek out a professional to do the work for them.

Love Spells - This is the number one type of magick spell that is requested of a spell caster to perform. People who have recently experienced a break up seek out a spell caster or a witch to help them get their ex lover to return. They want a professional to cast their love spells so that there's no slip ups or mistakes. These spells are very detailed and take time and practice to perfect. This is why an average person will seek out a professional to do the spell work for them. Results are accurate and the spells may work faster when you have someone performing the spells that are experienced in the art of spell casting.
Money Spells - This is the second most requested type of magick spell that is requested of a professional spell caster to perform. In today's economy, more and more people are turning to an experienced spell caster for help in this area. People are having magick spells cast on their behalf to attract money to help them support their families, save their homes and to survive. There are many different kinds of money spells to help a person's financial gain.
Protection Spells - The third most requested type of magick spell casting. When you use a magick spell, you attune your mind, body and spirit psychologically and physiologically to what's going to happen. This is especially helpful to protect yourself from potential danger that might be surrounding you on a daily basis. Protection spells are a great way to stop any harm coming to you. Protection spells are usually cast upon a person and people also like to use them for protection and cleansing of their homes.

I hope now that you have read this article on the art of casting magick spells, it has cleared up any doubts or fears you may have had in regards to trying a magick spell casting! They are 100% safe, effective and they CAN help you get the upper hand on any situation you're facing! You can get your ex lover back into your life today, attract a new lover if you wish and attract the money that you so desperately need right now to pay your mortgage. When you use magick spells and rituals in your every day life the possibilities are endless!


The Paths of Dark Magick

By Ryan C Murphy
Expert Author Ryan C Murphy

In Dark (Black, I will use the two terms interchangeably) Magick, be it Necromancy, Night Magick, Blood Magick, or "Demonic" the goal is power at any cost. It's not for the weak or faint of heart. Cutting, burning, and working in pitch black are common elements of these types of Magick. You will deal with spirits, Elementals, the gods and goddesses of old still empowered by the belief of ages and many more frighting things. I hope you can handle it.

To begin you must learn to control your fear and increase your tolerance for pain. Sit in a dark room gazing into the void, drip the wax from a burning candle on your most sensitive areas, get a sharp knife and make small cuts on your fingers. Remember to use proper protection and first aid, practicing any Magick does not protect you from bacteria or disease.

To the casual reader This may seem insane. Cut myself? Drip wax on my sensitive areas? Are you NUTS?!!

No I'm not.

There is power in pain and blood. Learning to use that energy to project your desires is the key to Dark Magick, no matter what kind.

The Basic principles of Dark Magick are simple, use the elements of life others are afraid of to bring greater power to your rituals. If you are a novice, Black Magick is not for everyone, but like any good tool it shouldn't be fully discarded either. Its also not about being nutty, just for the sake of it. If you are just some goth kid looking for more ways to be "evil", look elsewhere. True Magick is not kind to fools.

Necromancy is Death Magick. Specifically manipulating spirits to do your work for you, or rather to empower it. It is not a friendly type of magick, you will be acting as a Bully to the spirits. The idea is to force them to do what you want, not be nice to them. Traditionally its mainly used for asking questions, I like to take it further.

Night Magick is fairly straight forward. I first read about the concept in the books of Konstantinos, a noted Pagan Author. His approach is very "main stream gothic", and still in the realm of "good magick". A commercialized version. Still, no source of information or inspiration is without merit.

I prefer to use the principles of Night Magick with a darker twist. The basic idea behind Night magick, is that we spend a full half of our lives (more or less) in the dark of night, there is power in the dark. There is also power in the fear of the dark, yours and others.

Blood Magick is specifically using blood to power a ritual. Yours or a willing donor. Any type of Magick can be combined with any other. Most consider using blood as simply a part of some rituals, I consider it a type of Magick in itself. When used right it can bring great potency to any ritual. I have created a few rituals that are purely blood and pain rituals.

"Demonic" Magick is the summoning of dark spirits and Elementals. Elementals are nature spirits, like nature they are powerful and dangerous to fool around with. A common element of High Magick is calling on beings people have given power to. Call them gods, demons, or imaginary friends. Over the ages the belief in these things has given them power, and personality.

Some call them "Thought forms". They are ideas given power by belief in them. Many areas of true Magick deal with these "ideas", I will specifically deal with the darker ones. Personally I think of them as ways to tap into deeper parts of my personalty.

Dark Sex Magick involves elements of simulated Necrophilia, S&M and other fetish sexual practices. Whether Male or Female, Dark Sex Magick is about domination and power over your partner. I suggest you tread carefully when suggesting those rituals to a lover.



Magick - Creating a New World

By Greg Gourdian
Expert Author Greg Gourdian

There are a great many magickal traditions practiced today and they all share several common elements. The primary element of a magickal tradition is the importance of spiritual growth and development. From that point all else follows and nothing can be achieved without it. Magick is a process whereby we may direct the world with our will to manifest whatever we wish for. Research in quantum physics shows that we may directly influence the world we live in through our thoughts and beliefs. Magick embodies this principle and helps us to realize it so that we may use our will to re-create the world around us.

Magick is predicated upon the belief that the universe will respond to our wishes if we know how to express those wishes clearly and direct them consciously so that they may be made manifest unhindered by inner conflict. Inner conflict, poor understanding and negative ways of thinking inhibit us from successfully attaining whatever we may want in life. So magickal traditions are disciplines designed to help us resolve our inner conflicts, to better understand the nature of reality and to train our minds to think in positive terms free of any negative thoughts.

Sages throughout the ages have understood the power of our will when guided by spiritual principles and have taught that the world we experience is one of our own making. Now quantum physics is leading us in the same direction.

Quantum physics holds forth the promise of a convergence between science and mysticism. Quantum physics provides a rational foundation to explain how magick works. One result of our exploration of quantum physics has been to suggest that there may be concrete evidence for the existence of parallel universes or multi-dimensional worlds. I myself have no doubt regarding the existence of parallel universes or multi-dimensional worlds; they are a fundamental part of what makes magick practical or functional.

Regardless of a belief or a disbelief in a creator or primary deity, I believe our worlds and our universes are living beings with the properties of awareness, consciousness, intellect, feeling, compassion, etc... On another level our worlds and universes also appear to be created artifacts which we have made for the purpose of fulfilling all of our needs and desires.

Quantum physicists have discovered that the quantum foam responds to our thoughts and beliefs and can be channeled to produce results that reflect our expectations. In this manner the worlds we create may be changed from moment to moment by our will which would be the mechanical explanation for how all magick works.

Our invocations, rituals, tools and so forth are just different ways of recognizing the complexity of the mechanics of creation and reducing that complexity to something more personal and manageable. For instance, we may have a thought form which we call a psychic shield which is the result of our having understood the principle of interference. We take our understanding and make it into a thought form so that we do not have to retrace the entire path that leads to the understanding every time we wish to employ the concept. The thought form embodies the concept in our intellect and makes it more accessible to our heart.

To create a magickal tool we may then charge an object such as a crystal or pyramid or talisman with the thought form of a psychic shield so that the presence and usefulness of our psychic shield are always there even when we may turn our attention aside and forget to maintain the thought form of a psychic shield in our consciousness.

The tool works because we given it our power; we have imbued it with our energy in the form of a psychic shield. We may externalize the source of the power and say it comes from one deity or another or some elemental or spiritual being, but why bother to employ a power other than our own?

I believe these supernatural beings exist because they embody very large complex patterns that are fundamental to the way the universe is organized; they must be living beings because it takes a conscious will to keep the processes which contribute to the creation of our worlds working smoothly and consistently. But I also believe that we may come to understand these complex patterns for ourselves and we will then no longer require the assistance of any power or force which might be regarded as external to ourselves to work our magick.

Our magickal traditions provide a path to achieve our spiritual development so that we may clear ourselves of conflicting beliefs, ideas and desires all of which make it harder for our world to understand what we want and deliver it. Our magickal traditions incorporate concepts of morality or justice because the only way our universes will work to provide what we want is if everyone has an equal opportunity to receive what they need. We have parallel universes and multi-dimensional worlds because in this manner everyone can experience whatever they uniquely require even if those requirements are in conflict with someone else's. Wherever two persons' requirements exist which exclude one another a universe is created for each person to fulfill each person's need in which the other person's need has been excluded. This allows each person's need to be fulfilled and neither person is entirely denied.

The magick practitioner must have a thought form that embodies this principle to be successful. A typical symbol of this thought form is a scale where the measure of each need may be made equally. The magick practitioner knows that they must sacrifice a dimension of themselves to the party with whom they are in conflict, such that in the fulfillment of the need of the other person the magick practitioner must exist in that world unfulfilled, knowing that in their own world the fulfillment of the magick practitioner's will is then made manifest.

The magick practitioner must have a means of disengaging from the state of their sacrificed self so that any complaint that part of them may make in regard to this bargain is cut off. This is the purpose of an athame, a magick practitioner's spiritual blade, to sever from oneself that part which is sacrificed so that no attachment remains to an unfulfilled state. Such an attachment would create inner conflict that would sabotage the magick practitioner's will.

One basic principle of magickal traditions is that we must give in order to receive. That which we must give is always something of ourselves. We may externalize the sacrifices we make and choose to ritualize our sacrifices but ultimately anything we give comes from us and we must give of ourselves feely and completely so deeply that we sacrifice entire lives which were once ours in the process. This only becomes possible when we understand we are each infinite beings and we have as many lives at our disposal as we may need so that we may sacrifice them as required to pursue our spiritual growth and develop the clarity of our will.

Each of the lives we sacrifice is given to another person to do with as they will. These shadows of ourselves which are freely given to everyone free us from conflicts with anyone we may meet. Our sacrificed shadows obey the will of the persons to whom they are given in the context of those persons' worlds. We are then free to pursue our own will in our own world.

It is important for the magick practitioner to remain clearly focused in regard to their identity as a light being in their own world. If they accidentally identify with one of their shadow beings they must then free themselves from subjugation to some other person's will leaving a shadow of themselves in their place and return to their own world in which they are the light from which all other parts of themselves shine forth. The symbol of the sun represents the consciousness required to achieve this focused self awareness.

In this manner many symbols and tools may be used to objectify arcane principles and personal properties so that the magick practitioner will have at their disposal whatever they may need to accomplish their will. As the magick practitioner progresses upon their spiritual path the symbols and tools employed become internalized and function smoothly without further need to rely on anything external to the magick practitioner. The world of the magick practitioner is then re-created as a place of abundance in which the will of the magick practitioner is consistently made manifest.

BIO: Fledgling author Greg Gourdian has worked with the general public as a psychic reader for a little over four years from 1981 to 1986. Much of his written work is channeled, although he will admit that he has no idea who many of the sources for his channeled work may be. He has many strange tales to tell regarding his spiritual journey and he attempts to tell his tales in a humorous or entertaining manner. While not an accredited teacher, Greg has taught classes in psychology, sociology, metaphysics and parapsychology.


Wonderful, Magickal, Mustika-Pearls Part 1

By Leonard Lee
Expert Author Leonard Lee

Freaks and anomalies are found abound in Nature and her creations--if we would just look for them. "Mustikas" or "Magickal Pearls" having their origin in animals and plants are just some of Nature's curiosities hardly known or mentioned in the literature of the Occident, accept perhaps in faerie tales. It is different in the East, however. Pearls, other than those originating from oysters are mentioned in the Hindu scripture, "Sri Garuda Purana," where it explains the powers of several types of pearls derived from mammals, reptiles and even the natural conditions or specific events of Nature. In Indonesia, legends are found in which brave men died searching for these pearls--and when acquired they are treasured and valued as high as other family heirloom items such as kerises, spear heads, and other sacred objects. Almost all magickal stones mentioned in Arabian, Chinese, and other Eastern tales or legends actually refer to mustikas, or magickal pearls of an organic origin. Dragons, for instance, in Chinese lore, are known to guard pearls--these pearls are actually produced by them rather than acquired from some external source.

It would be appropriate here to explain the word "Mustika": it is from the Kawi language, of an old Javanese origin and translates as, "magick jewel," or "precious stone." Some Indonesian occultists use the word to refer to any magickal object or power. That most western occultists and shamans do not mention animal pearls or pearls originating from plants is quite unusual in itself. One would expect this knowledge to be universal, especially among aboriginal shamans in all parts of the world--yet we find that this is not--as far as we can tell (if anyone can offer us some info on this regard we would greatly appreciate it). In contrast, the shamans of India, China, and South-East Asia are always on the look-out for these occult objects as they hold great power and magickal virtues--powers and virtues often employed in magickal work, mystical rites, spiritual development, and occult healings. In the past, kings, ministers, and noblemen sought for them and paid handsome rewards for those able to acquire them--many have died trying. Unfamiliar with pearls of origin other than oysters, westerners approach the subject with a good deal of skeptism--even those involved in the occult are somewhat surprised at the possibility. This shows that a good deal of work and investigation still lies before the seeker and average practitioner of the occult from the Occident in the probings of Eastern Mysteries. We also still have to hear what open-minded zoologists and botanists have to say about these mustika-pearls.

In Indonesia, a shamanic specialist on the animal kingdom called a "pawang" is normally the one that goes looking for these objects in the jungles and wilderness. Sometimes magickal pearls are acquired in an occult manner directly from the faerie realms where they are guarded by elemental beings--often with considerable psychological struggle. Pawangs are those who speak the "language" of animals, birds and plants. The pawang would meditate and sleep in the wilds requesting Nature for her gifts in the form of mustikas. In dreams or while in the trance-state he is guided by the spirit-dwellers and guardians of the forests and jungles as to where mustikas may be acquired, and sometimes what he has to do in order to acquire them. He is almost always directed to caves, nearby lakes or streams and shown the cadavers or remains of animals or plants and trees where they are found. Animals are never hunted for their pearls, as shamans and pawangs respect them. Nevertheless, pearls are also sometimes found in animals being hunted for food by native huntsmen. It is said that it is the senior members of any animal species or those displaying exceptional qualities that yields mustikas.

Occasionally, ordinary people in a rural environment would have visitations in dreams by the regional spirits. These intelligences would direct someone to accept a special gift from Nature lying at a certain spot. These dreams are often found to be substantially true as the object is located--objects which are normally mustika-pearls.

Why are mustikas so highly valued? Magickal pearls are held in great regard not only because of their scarcity, and sometimes beauty, but also because of the power that resides in them. These pearls are formed with the help of elementals spirits--gnomes, elves, and other etheric beings of Nature. That etheric spirits help to form gems is not quite unknown in western occultism. In the fairy tale, "Snow White," for instance, we read of 7 dwarfs working in their "mines." From the esoteric perspective, they were actually not mining at all, but forming gems and crystals. Tales such as hens laying "golden eggs" possesses some truth if considered in the light of magickal pearls. There are many such golden eggs available. Elementals are Nature's handmaidens and are the hidden forces acting behind all phenomena and natural formations or creations. Elementals help "paint" the flowers and nourish them with prana and the necessary gases. Science calls the latter process osmosis, but behind the physical scene, in the etheric world, one may perceive fairies frolicking among plants, flying to and fro, entering and exiting the stem and leaves of plants taking the pranic globules from the air and into the flora.

Such similar work as the above are being done by elementals in the formation of mustikas. The difference with ordinary gems and crystals is that these elementals eventually make the pearl their dwelling place until released by the destruction of the pearl or for some other cause--thus sometimes we have genuine pearls without the elemental spirit present. Below we quote a paper, "Conversations on Occultism" by H.P. Blavatsky on elementals to give a greater insight on these beings (italics are ours) :

"Student.- If I understand you, an elemental is a centre of force, without intelligence, without moral character or tendencies, but capable of being directed in its movements by human thoughts, which may, consciously or not, give it any form, and to a certain extent intelligence; in its simplest form it is visible as a disturbance in a transparent medium, such as would be produced by 'a glass fish, so transparent as to be invisible, swimming through the air of the room,' and leaving behind him a shimmer, such as hot air makes when rising from a stove. Also, elementals, attracted and vitalized by certain thoughts, may effect a lodgment in the human system (of which they then share the government of the ego), and are very hard to get out.

"Sage.- Correct, in general, except as to their 'effecting a lodgment.' Some classes of elementals, however, have an intelligence of their own and a character, but they are far beyond our comprehension and ought perhaps to have some other name.

"Student.- Am I to understand that a clairvoyant or clairaudient has to do with or is affected by a certain special class or classes of elementals?

"Sage.- Yes. A clairvoyant can only see the sights properly belonging to the planes his development reaches to or has opened. And the elementals in those planes show to the clairvoyant only such pictures as belong to their plane. Other parts of the idea or thing pictured may be retained in planes not yet open to the seer. For this reason few clairvoyants know the whole truth.

"As to the moral character of elementals, they have none: they are colourless in themselves - except some classes - and merely assume the tint, so to speak, of the person using them."

It is the presence of these elementals in pearls that give them an extra feel of power. Normal gemstones and crystals do not have any elemental spirits dwelling in them unless willed by an occult practitioner; mustikas, however, do have an etheric being living in them as a matter of course. Lacking a spirit dweller, a mustika-pearl is still more powerful than an ordinary gemstone or crystal as it possesses the energies of the Guardian Group-Spirit or Intelligences (Animal Totems/ Plant Devas) of the animal/plant species embedded in it.

Some occultist believe that the beings living in mustikas are human spirits, but we feel this to be untrue. Human spirits do not return to dwell in animals or stones but live in the various realms of the astral and higher regions.

Elementals dwelling in pearls are not demonic; although some may be amoral. Some may assist the owner to gamble for instance--directed to do something negative by its master. The elemental would not know the difference between good and evil or the natural law of consequence. Elementals love to imitate human beings in clothings, names and titles. Thus, psychics of high-caliber have found that most elementals adopt the titles and names of saints and kings. These names and titles should not be taken too seriously, but when given by the elementals themselves, they do respond psychically to them. Acquiring the names and details of the elemental dweller is not an easy process, although once acquired and contact made with the pearl-intelligence, many things may be known about the origin of the mustika and its virtues. Yet, psychics who manage to contact the elemental spirit are probably 40-70% accurate in this matter. It should be noted that even without such knowledge, the powers and virtues of a magickal pearl may still be readily felt by those possessing it after a short period of time.

Undeveloped psychics may have trouble detecting and communicating with elementals. Interacting with human spirits and jinns may not pose a problem but elementals may sometime elude them. This is because elementals will not interact with humans that are spiritually unbalanced and have not harmonized their element psychologically within the psyche. For this reason, genuine mustikas or magickal pearls may be mistaken for fakes by psychics who know no better. Sometimes other factors fool people who think they know something about mustikas; two such factors are the color and form of a pearl. When shown a genuine pearl of a certain color and size, like one having its origin from a bamboo plant, for instance, they would search for further bamboo mustikas having only such characteristics--other genuine bamboo pearls of a different form and color would be labeled as "false." This is unreasonable as there is nothing in Nature that are exactly alike. Oyster pearls, as an example, come in various colors, sizes, and forms. Oyster pearls are not always round, they may come in pear-shape forms, as in tear-drops, and even flat pieces resembling angel-wings. We personally possess bamboo pearls as large as a chicken egg, red in color. We also have blue and green, and black bamboo pearls of diverse shapes and sizes. Not all of our stock are presented on our web-site. The pearls shown are merely representative of what is available. Those ordering mustika-pearls from us are not always given the exact same mustika as seen in the pearl-pictures--mustika-pearls are one-of-a-kind.

Descriptions from ancient texts as to the color and shape of a mustika do not tell the whole story as not enough pearls were found at that time to make a proper comparison or a true statement. To put it plainly, mustikas or magickal pearls of the same animal or plant origin do not always have the same color, size or form. They may appear as an unworthy object or as a thing of beauty--their appearance should not be too much of an issue for the magickal practitioner, for their true value lies in their occult nature.

In their natural state most mustikas have rough textures. It is only after being tumbled and polished do they give a lustre. It is actually in their natural state that one may see that a mustika is genuine as they are unlike any crystal or gem stone in their uncut, untumbled, and unpolished state. Sometimes natural objects such as a grass or part of an insect may be found embedded within them--these magickal pearls often possesses additional power.

Pearls may be tested by the layman whether they are genuine or fake using the finger test; however, this method is not conclusive--it does entail having some psychic sensitivity on the person testing it. The method is to hold a pearl with the right hand between the thumb and forefinger. Inhale and hold your breath, then feel the energy flowing along the arms to the heart. Exhale when you need to. Repeat the breathing cycle--the more you do this, the more definite will the energy be felt. The arm holding the pearl would feel intensely heavy at one point--this effect is generally not felt with ordinary stones and objects. You may test this for yourself should you possess a magickal pearl. Some people make a mistake of stating that testing every object makes their fingers tingle and thus feeling this as a result of holding a magickal pearl is of no import. This is fallacious, and is not the effect sought. This tingling is the result of the blood pulsation as the fingers are pressed against the hard surface of the pearl. What we are actually after in this experiment is to feel the subtle energy flowing into the arms--thus the pearl should not be held between the fingers too tightly. When the energy flows, it accumulates in the arm before reaching the body--this makes the arm intensely heavy. When one's subtle nadis or etheric nerves have been cleansed of psychic toxins and enlargened for a greater capacity of energy-flow, just holding a mustika-pearl for a few seconds is sufficient enough to feel the rush of the force.

In the days of yore, most men could only mention animal/plant pearls in their writings. Nowadays, magickal pearls are bountiful and readily available to a wider public--to those that seek them. The reason has partly to do with the Aquarian-Age that we find ourselves living in. It is, however, mainly because Nature wishes to offer humanity something that would help men embrace her and not destroy the platform where the other lower kingdoms have their place of evolution. Mustika-pearls are Nature's gifts to humanity, it connects us directly to the Spirit-Intelligences of the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms.
As alluded to previously, the reality of mustika pearls are to be found in certain literature. Below we quote fully the summary/translation of the Sri Garuda Purana by the gemologist , Robert S. Brown, regarding this matter. The commentary in square brackets are ours:

"Besides (natural) oyster pearls there are seven other types [In fact, almost every animal specie and perhaps plant-life may produce pearls--although rare] found in conch shells, wild boar heads, elephant heads, king cobra heads, bamboo stems, clouds, and fish heads.

"Pearls from elephant heads, bamboo stems, boar heads, fish mouths, and conch shells are lusterless, even though possessed of other auspicious qualities [Not all crowns of animals are lusterless--some have clear crystalline-structures and do give forth a sheen; some bamboo pearls also have lustre]. Pearls from conch shells are usually the size of a large kona (the large end of a drum stick), and they possess a color similar to their host shell.

"Fish pearls are perfectly round and symmetrical. They possess a yellowish hue like the scales of the pathenam fish which often inhabit the mouths of deep sea whales [Again, not totally true, we have seen shark pearls white in color.]

"Boar pearls [we have this pearl available in our collection] are colored like a boar's tusks and are found only in remote parts of the world. Such pearls are auspicious symbols of the Varaha boar incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Vishnu.

"Pearls derived from bamboo appear like hailstones in color, and they are found only within bamboo that has grown in a region populated by religious people [Lots of bamboo pearls in our collection--they mostly come from Ujung Kulon, Java, which secret sources say is one of the remote places where the Indonesian Spiritual Masters regularly convene].

"Pearls from the cobra's hood are perfectly round, like fish pearls, and they radiate a natural effulgence. By repeated washing, a snake pearl becomes as lustrous as a polished sword blade. Anyone possessing such a naga-mani attains piety, rare good fortune, and eventually becomes illustrious as a leader of men, complete with a great collection of all precious gems [Cobra-pearls are not always round, they may also come in other shapes].

"Upon acquiring such a snake pearl, the owner should have the rite of installation performed by a priest who is learned in religious formalities. After hearing from the owner how the pearl was obtained and conducting the benedictory ritual, the priest should formally install the jewel inside the owner's house. On such an auspicious occasion, the sky becomes filled with dark and heavy rain clouds, thunder, and flashing lightning, such as exhibited at the time of universal dissolution. A man in possession of such a snake pearl will never be troubled by snakes, demonic beings, diseases, or disturbances in any form.

"Cloud pearls [this could possibly be a "dew pearl" or a variation], being naturally effulgent like the sun, illuminate the sky in all directions and dispel the darkness of cloudy days. Glowing brighter than the combined light of the moon, the twinkling stars, and fire, a cloud-born pearl dissipates even the darkest night exactly like the sunrise. A cloud pearl is so priceless that the entire earth, with her oceans filled with countless jewels and covered in layers of gold, would not be equal in value. Cloud pearls rarely reach this earthly world, because they are usually taken away by the demigods.

"Even a low born man would become supreme ruler of the entire world if, as result of some past pious actions, he were to come into possession of such a pearl. The appearance of such a man on earth who obtained a cloud pearl during his lifetime would bring good fortune not only to himself, but to the entire human race as well. No form of evil could even touch the land within an 8,000 mile radius of his birthplace."

THE "OTHER" PEARLS By Richard S. Brown, Gemologist (G.I.A.)

How do animal/plant pearls differ from ordinary gem stones and crystals? Mustika-pearls contain energies of the Totem Animal/Plant Spirit-Guardians (Power-Animals/Plant Devas) of the species under its care. During its construction, an elemental spirit appropriates these energies to actually construct every line of force within the pearl and to actually dwell within it after it is fully formed. The energies of the Totem-Animal/Plant Spirit and the presence of the elemental are the two occult factors that differentiates mustikas from ordinary crystals and gems.

Extraordinary mustika-pearls are sometimes found. These are the crowns and horns of animals that normally do not possess them. In this category are also the fossilized-eyes and other parts of animals and creatures. Crowns are normally lusterless as described in the Sri Purana Garuda. There are, however, crocodile-crowns that are crystalline in nature. Most crown-pearls come from snakes and centipedes. These crowns normally have a spiral, conic shape. Horns/crowns of animals such as horses (unicorn) and cats do exist, though they are scarce.

Copyright © 2006 Luxamore


The Colors of Black Magick

By Jared D. Ingram

Black magick works out to be the most beautiful thing in the life of a magickian despite it being given the tag of being black. magick is usually used to cast negative spells on individuals. The magick could ruin one's life in the extreme case or it could even kill you. It also has some beneficial effects like it could drive away an illness or cure you of your disease.

All said and done, black magick remains a popular brand of magick among enthusiasts. A number of facts can be said to be associated with black magick. A few are:

1. Black is done usually to control the destiny and fate of an individual; it could be your own fate and destiny which could be changed by employing black magick. The practitioners of black magick usually associate it with negative effects. The practitioners of black magick must keep in mind that the evil that they try to influence on others would eventually act upon them. The magick eventually comes back with an equal or often with a stronger force.

2. The spell is the backbone of all magick. Spells are believed to have the potential to unlock the power behind the actual ritual involved in the transformation. The same holds true for black magick. Anyone with a bit of knowledge of voodoo could put a spell on a person, but it takes an expert in the art to pull off the spell. Black magick should be practiced with great care and precision.

3. magick acts as a blocks the capacity for rational thoughts and logical thinking of the practitioners. They live in a supernatural world where their efforts to achieve success are guaranteed success. Failure to see the desired results may give sleepless nights to the practitioners and even depression.

4. Victims of black are known to be afflicted with a typical color of the eye and have strong (sweet or foul) fragrances. The smell emanates from the body of the affected person when he or she is under the spell or under the influence of black magick.

5. magick is popularly believed to be the realm of witches and sorcerers. It is believed to be based on the powers held by natural and supernatural beings. A strong force of gravity, electromagnetic forces, the force of nuclear atom, and even supernatural elements are involved here.

magick uses the power of the magick it derives from the immense energy possessed by God Almighty when it is used for positive influences over individuals. On the other hand, it could be said to be influenced by evil forces when it causes harm to individuals. Black often involves a ghost with a negative force.

White magick could be said to be the opposite of black magick. White magick is associated with healing of certain diseases and it is all about good in the world. The magick involved in the process of completing the rituals of white magick are aimed at benefiting the targeted persons.



Magick More Than Just Wands, Circles and Chants

By Alexander Constantine

I have my wand and my robe, my pentacle and sword, the incense is burning and the sigils drawn. What more do I need to do magick? Basics, basics, basics..... Let's go back to the basics people.

Too many people today, think magick is all about material items. "I want a love spell, a money spell, a better life spell" well guess what... unless you have developed the mental capacity to understand how a spell like that works, It will very seldom work. It requires so much thought and energy, so much consideration and adept knowledge, that by the time you attain the level to perform such magick successfully on a regular basis you will realize... it's not magick at all that is all mind games that you do, to either advance you further or hinder yourself from moving on. Material magick is nothing more than an illusion that we have been chasing for millennia, the philosophers stone... fountain of youth. All "Magickal" ways to obtain material and earthly goals, upon deeper study you will realize that these ideas and theories were passed down in code and secrecy that only the true adepts have known.

Just because you created all your magick tools and scribed all the sigils in perfect metals doesn't mean that the conjured spirit will show. Lord knows I've spent countless hours in front of a dark scyring glass to find nothing but my own reflection with a puzzled look. This is an art a skill that must be taken up honorably diligently and respectfully. The power you will harness after training your mind, body and soul will be beyond the need of worldly possessions. So my word of advice, if you're into magick because you are poor, sick, sad, lonely or mentally unstable leave now before you hurt yourself or others more.

What is Magick about then?

Magick is indefinable; the true word has to broad of a meaning to define. Aleister Crowley once said "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will". I am already hearing a lot of you saying "WAIT! You just said magick won't make me rich or fall in love", what I said was magick for the sole purpose of becoming wealthy is wrong and unfeasible due to the time and development it takes, go get a job.

Break down Mr. Crowley's words:

"The Science and Art" magick has both an empirical methodology behind it as well as being adaptable to the inherit energies, needs and desires of the magician. Everyone has their own energy and power and must practice and experiment to find out how to manipulate the energy to be used in magick; this is done by a systematic approach and scientific observation.

"Causing Chang to Occur" spiritual, mental or material? How about all three! Magick manipulates the energy surrounding your "world" your sphere of observation and your perception of that existence. When you learn about magick, you will discover that the changes trickle down from the astral realms, through the subconscious into the conscious and projected out in your perception of the world. You have to start on an energy level to form whatever your goal is. (If I try to further describe this I run the risk of confusing you; everyone must learn to understand this in their own mind).

"In conformity with will" Oh yes! The Free will. We all have an independent and free will, unless our marriages really poor.... If we think about something happening, we are in essence willing it to happen in the simplest sense of the term. Our free will is what sets everything in magick, into motion to create the change. The knowledge of the energies the tools and sigils and cryptic languages possess all help build the power the magician has, until the energy is great enough to start manifesting results.

In essence, if you are wanting to get into magick. Its vocation, a dedication and not to be only played or dabbled with, I have seen numerous people get into studying magick and only come out more mentally unstable, practicing "black magick" or hurting someone and blaming it on the voices in their heads. So please learn, live and study before you get into the really powerful forms of magick. Magick is about your inner soul transforming and refining, about your understanding of the universe. It's about preparing the mind and body to align with the soul to transcend the heavenly spiral.

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