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Download Affirmations software - Sculptor3

Click Here to Download Affirmations software - Sculptor3


Guide to Affirmation Software

By Timothy Alan
Expert Author Timothy Alan

Have you ever felt that you wanted to be more successful in life but maybe it was just a dream that would never come true? Have you wanted to change your current circumstances but did not have the knowledge or the confidence to do it? Life goals and dreams can be reached with some encouragement in your life. The best way to get that encouragement is to try affirmation software.

Affirmation software can be used to give you a better outlook on life and to improve your mental health. Positive affirmation software repeat statements to strengthen your motivation and to help you grow in you personal life. It is so easy to use and is a simple way to get you started just install the software on your computer and you are on your way to a new life.

This type of software contains a program that allows you to input messages that will flash across your computer screen while you are using it. The brain picks up these signals and allows the subconscious mind to process them. This implants those positive messages deep into the psyche where they will begin to change you life.

For affirmation software to help you. You need to be willing to let it help. You need to open your mind to the positive and begin to see the person you can be. You have to have a readiness to change and to make your life better. By letting the mind process these messages of positive influence, changes will start immediately. Once the mind is ready the body will follow along behind


Sculptor 3 Affirmations Software

By Reuben Wallis

Are you in the market for that 'extra edge' to help you achieve your goals, if so, you may want to read on. Hard work by itself does not seem to count for much nowadays on account of the sheer competitiveness that seems to be omnipresent everywhere. Either way, we do need that 'X factor' to swing things in our favor. I have to say, that offhand, this product did not carry much appeal for me in the beginning as I had a hard time coming to terms with the fact that 'subliminal' messages can actually deliver the goods. But it did do exactly that and a whole lot more than I would have ever thought possible. Did you know that television ads as well as political advertisements use subliminal messages to influence the public and that these kinds of messages are the norm than the exception? I have to say that I was surprised to hear that the big corporate honchos use subliminal messages to influence the public as well as their workers. Sure, sounds like something out of a sci-fic movie, doesn't it? I can't really blame you for that, for subliminal messages definitely belong in the category of 'reality being stranger than fiction'. Well, the sculptor 3 affirmations software is as the name suggests, an affirmations software designed to help you achieve your goals by influencing your subconscious. As hard as it may be to take in on the first go, subliminal messages are here to stay and that's a fact.

The Sculptor 3 Affirmations Software by Jeff Staniforth is the new affirmations software that is designed to help you visualize your thoughts, goals and make them achievable in real terms. This is primarily a software package that you can run on your system and the only catch, as far as I can make out, is that you are required to use this package for ten minutes a day, at least until your goals have materialized. I do have to point out that this product is not a 'buy it and the world is yours' sort, but rather one of the 'Tap your hidden power source' kind of product. So if you are on the lookout for an easy way out, well, you will need to keep looking, for there is no such product that can offer you the keys to the gardens of Eden.

Now, regarding the specs on the product, here is a list of what you can expect to get with this product. It contains the following - a 12 day affirmation program for quick success, subliminal messaging program, brain wave player feature and Visual programming feature as well as a host of other tools that you can utilize to enhance your chance of success in daily life.

This product is currently being offered at a discounted rate and comes with a host of bonus products. Frankly, I did find the bonus products a bit of a stretch but as far as the product itself goes, it is quite comprehensive. Given the subject matter, I have to say that the author does provide a multitude of tools that you can put to good use. So, do give this product a shot and who knows, with ten minutes a day in the slot, you may well be on your way to achieving the impossible.


Create Your Own Free Daily Affirmation Program That Works

By Janet Brooks

Affirmations, why do some work and some don't? Many people have life altering success with positive affirmations, while others give up on them altogether.

For the last 5 years, I have studied positive affirmations and have come up with a Three Part Plan that should help even those of us who have had no previous success.

What are affirmations? Affirmations are Statements that you use to make "something firm". The process of using affirmations is actually ancient. Biblically, they've also been referred to as "confessions".

There are hundreds of books, tapes, CD's, computer software and even jewelry that have ways to use Affirmations. However, it's important to know why using these Statements with certain methods will bring immediate results, while others bring nothing but headaches.

Take a look at this Bible Verse Faith Cometh By Hearing and Hearing by the Word of God- Romans 10:17. Think about this for a moment, if Faith comes by hearing, what do we hear? Our voice, right? If our words are positive, then our life experiences tend to be positive.

Unfortunately, each Truth has a reciprocal. If you are Confessing nothing but the negative, your bound to get what you don't want. It's that simple. Proverbs 2 says that You are snared with the words of your mouth.

Therefore, you're first step is to curb your tongue. Think of your tongue as a rudder, it can literally turn your life in any direction that you want it to go. It takes a little effort to become aware of how many times in a day you make a negative statement, or profess something that you don't want to happen. Affirm the positive! Always concentrate on what you want to happen! And NOT what you don't want to happen And, definitely do so Out Loud! If you want to get faster results, make a tape stating each confession 3 times. Listen to this tape as your drifting off to sleep and when you first awake. You should even record your Detailed Description and place it at the end.

Next, Write your Affirmations. When I want to make a change in my life, I write out at least 15-20 specific related Statements. Additionally, I create and write a very Detailed Description of how my life will be once these changes have manifested. I always focus on one goal at a time. In other words, I don't try to loose weight and attract wealth simultaneously. Results come from intense focus!

Every day I write these affirmations at least 3 times each and in different tenses (i.e. "I am always in the right place at the right time"- "Janet is always in the right place at the right time"). It takes about an hour, but it is well worth it because when I am writing these affirmations, my mind is quiet, focused and extremely receptive. Again, I am focusing on what I want, and NOT what I am trying to change.

Finally, keep these affirmations in front of you as often as possible. This is done in two ways; that which is "seen" and that which is "unseen". Personally, I have experienced dramatic results with a customized computer program that flashes my affirmations continuously and unobtrusively while I am working or surfing the internet. I also tape a list of my affirmations to my bathroom mirror, in my day planner, car dashboard, etc.

In addition to this computer software, I also meditate on my Detailed Description daily. I visualize my new life in as much detail as I can. I usually take about 15 minutes in the morning and evening to do this.

Know this, it is just as easy to have Faith in the "undesired" as it is to have Faith in the "desired". Ask yourself, "What will I have Faith in?" Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.- Hebrews 11:1 Remember, you only need Faith in the size of a mustard seed!


The Value of Affirmations

By Phil Boo
Expert Author Phil Boo

There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it's actually a science like physics or algebra.

There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality -- with absolute certainty.

Does this sound far-fetched?

If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you -- this will be positively electrifying.

Emile Coué, the 19th century French professor and Master Hypnotist, became a pioneer of affirmation techniques -- curing hundreds of patients in Europe and North America by teaching his patients to repeat the following affirmation each morning and evening:

"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."

Using this affirmation alone, the healing results were nothing less than spectacular.

Affirmations have long been recognized as a powerful tool in manifesting desires. That's because the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between actual reality and suggestions. Therefore, it processes suggestions (or affirmations) as being real -- and goes about using its powerful creative ability -- and that of the nervous system -- to actualize those affirmations.

For this reason, people from all walks of life -- from athletic coaches, to sales professionals, to religious leaders, and peak performance experts (like Anthony Robbins) promote the practice of affirmations.

Subliminal Technology Puts Manifestation on "Steroids"

In the 1950s, an advertising expert named James Vicary, started testing subliminal advertising in movie theaters. He inserted subliminal frames containing the words, "EAT POPCORN" and "DRINK COKE" within the reels of film. During the movie, the subliminal messages went by so fast that the unsuspecting audience didn't consciously see the words, but their subconscious minds perceived the suggestions. As a result, Coke sales jumped 18.1% and popcorn sales skyrocketed by 57.7%.

Goal setting software Subliminal advertising proved to be too powerful that it was eventually outlawed. But what if you could use the same technology to install empowering affirmations into your subconscious -- beneath the threshold of your conscious mind? Now, you can flash subliminal messages on your computer screen while you work! It's like advertising to your own subconscious mind and having your desires manifest at an unprecedented speed.


Positive Affirmations

By Luke Blaise

What are affirmations, positive affirmations, and how can we use them to propel our lives forward? Once you start using affirmations in your life you will learn how powerful they can be.

Affirmations are a statement of what you want or how you intend your life to be. Affirmations should be positive affirmations, meaning they should be about what you want, not on what you don't want.

One classic example of a positive affirmation is this: 'every day in every way I'm feeling better and better.' This one has a lot of history behind it. It was created by a physician in Europe to try and help his patients heal faster. He recognized decades ago the power that the mind has over the body and the environment.

If you have done affirmations you are likely aware of how powerful they can be. Use them as a constant reminder of what you want out of life.

How often do we say affirmations?

It seems like most people that promote using affirmations don't specify how often to do them, but most say at least daily. Again this isn't very specific. I try to do my affirmations at least 3 times a day and repeat them about 10 times with emotion, with or without vocalizing them depending on where I'm at.

How long do we say these affirmations?

I was watching a program featuring T. Harv Eker, author of the Millionaire Mind and he had a great answer for this question. His answer was to do affirmations until you achieve them. A simple and to the point answer, but not necessarily obvious to everyone.


Other Effective Uses For the Affirmation Ticker

By Jay Neaves
Expert Author Jay Neaves

You may have read my previous article regarding the power of positive daily affirmations and how their appropriate use can eliminate your negative thinking patterns and set you on a path to success. You will recall in that article, that I made reference to a revolutionary piece of software created in 2007 by Glen Mollett. The software was designed as a tool to deliver your positive daily affirmations direct to your desktop, a purpose for which it truly is extraordinary. However, since purchasing this software, I have discovered that the versatility of this product means it has many other effective uses that can benefit your whole family. This article features some effective uses I have found for my software and in all honesty, there are probably hundreds more!

A Learning & Revision Tool

If like me, you have school age children, you will know that drilling their weekly spellings and times tables into them can be enormous challenge. While there are many products out there designed to help, such as revision guides and workbooks, children find them a chore and tend to resent having to do what they perceive as 'more worksheets' at home. Dragging my 9-year-old daughter from her computer to learn her spellings and times tables had become an almost daily battle until I realized I could use my software to avoid the battles!

The beauty of this software is that you have complete control over what text scrolls across your screen. It occurred to me that if I could use it to effortlessly absorb my positive daily affirmations, why couldn't I use it to help my daughter absorb her school work? Since installing the software on my daughter's computer, homework battles have become a thing of the past. Now, we simply enter her weekly spellings and times tables into the software and she learns them effortlessly. We give her a quick test on a Thursday night, ready for her Friday tests and her results have improved dramatically.

Reminders & To Do Lists

It was Ellen DeGeneres, in her 2003 stand up comedy DVD, 'Here and Now', who said that we all suffer from 'too busy disorder' in this day and age. We are so busy in our normal daily lives that remembering to pick up some milk for the kids cereal in the morning can be one piece of information too many. Using the software to remind yourself of those small but important tasks can save you both time and in some cases money. Forgetting the milk can be easily fixed, after all, there are plenty of 24 hour grocery stores, you just have to drag yourself back out. However, forgetting to pay the credit card bill can lead to hefty late fees and damage to your credit.

Presentations and Scripts

In all walks of life, we are increasingly required to give presentations. Whether you're a business owner making a sales pitch, a University student presenting your research results or an actor or presenter with a script, you will want to deliver your work confidently and effectively to your audience. This is a skill many of us find very difficult. Another superb use for your software is to help you learn your lines and/or act as an autocue. As well as giving you the freedom to input whatever information you need to learn or remember, the software can be set to various scrolling speeds, enabling you to read from the screen in real time during your presentation.

Academic Writing Bibliography Tool

Although my days of academia are long since over, one of the difficulties many College and University students have when writing long academic papers is referencing and creating their bibliography. If you have ever written a dissertation or thesis, you will know that you will notoriously find that you have used a quote or a reference within your text and not noted the source or the author! Inputting your sources and quotations in your software will help you remember your authors and sources so you can quickly and easily find the reference you need. Alternatively, if you have not subliminally absorbed the information because it has not been in your scroll long enough, you'll only have to wait a short time before it appears on your screen!

Internet, SEO & Keyword Phrases

Finally, my latest discovery in terms of uses for the software is to help me remember my Keyword Phrases for my online projects. Many Internet entrepreneurs find themselves juggling several projects or project elements at any one time all with different sets of keywords. If, like me, you create a master file for each project you are working on, here is a little tip that I have found saves me an incredible amount of time. Simply create a word document with all your keyword phrases for your project and save it in your project file. When you are ready to work on your blog, site or lens, cut and paste your keyword document into your software. Watch as your keywords scroll across your desktop as you work, helping you both absorb those important phrases and giving you an instant visual whenever you need it.

Making The Software Work For You

There is no question that Glen Mollett's Affirmation software delivers in terms of the purpose for which it was intended. Likewise, the power of positive daily affirmations is life changing if you use the software just for those purposes. However, in using the software for the last 18 months, it is clear that it's simple but versatile design offers much much more. We all use software and technology to remember things for us. Be honest, how many of you actually know the cell phone numbers of your nearest and dearest? This cheap and effective piece of software brings all the information you need to remember or learn right to your computer desktop in just a few quick clicks.


Affirmations Program - Which One Is The Best?

By Allan Wilson

There are a wide variety of affirmation programs available these days from courses, to radio shows to software programs and while I believe they all have their place the most important affirmations program is the one that makes you stick with it for at least 21 days until affirmations become a habit.

Only you know what it is best for you. Are you serious about making affirmations work in your life?

You need to answer the following questions for yourself:

How do you learn the best?
How much motivating do you need?
Do you spend a lot of time on the computer?
Do you spend a lot of time traveling?
Do you spend a lot of time walking or doing other exercises?

When I asked how do you learn best it is so you stop and think about your preferences before investing in an affirmations program. If you learn best by hearing then invest in audio affirmations, if by seeing then video affirmations or affirmation books, if by doing then learn how to write affirmations and how to create your own affirmations.

If you need motivation then you might need a program that continually pokes and prods you along. Perhaps you need daily affirmations via SMS, email or Facebook. If you have no problems with motivation then you can implement your own program by listening to, writing, reading and saying affirmations at a time that suits you.

If you spend a lot of time on the computer you may like one of the many affirmation software programs that are available. You can find programs that have preloaded affirmations that appear on your screen at given intervals and that allow you to also enter your own affirmations into the software. You can even find subliminal software that some believe work - I have never tried them myself.

If you spend a lot of time walking, exercising or driving then you could get affirmation CDs or mp3s and listen to them in your normal daily routines.

Whatever the program you decide to chose make sure you stick with it for at least 21 days to see if it makes a difference in your life.

Improve your life starting today by visiting Allan's site to discover an exciting and effortless way to transform your mind into a spiritually thinking machine using the power of Christian affirmations.


How To Make Affirmations Work For You

By Charles Brown
Expert Author Charles Brown

Affirmations are like software programs that can literally "re-wire" your brain's programming. Actually this analogy is a lot more accurate than many people think. Calling affirmations software sounds like a metaphor, but there is more truth than just on the metaphor level.

When repeated over and over again, under the right circumstances, affirmations actually create new pathways in the brain. These new pathways change the way we think, act and react to stimuli around us.

When I first started using affirmations, I repeated each one to myself over 50 times a day. And, I might be working on up to ten affirmations at a time (hey, I wanted to change my entire life around and I didn't want to wait).

But is shear brute force repetition the only way to get affirmations to work and do this job of creating new pathways?

Record your voice. Record your own voice speaking with enthusiasm your affirmations, then you can listen to them again and again.
Record your voice to music. Music allows the brain to create different states. Choose peaceful music like Johann Bach to reach an alpha state if you want to create a new belief system, or choose something powerful with a strong beat if you want to create power within yourself. An example might be to play Bach if you are trying to improve your golf swing and Queen if you are trying to improve your play on the football field.
Write out your affirmations at least 20 times a day. The kinesthetic movements of your hands engage a different part of your brain. Do you remember that harsh elementary school teacher who made you write out, "I will not throw spit wads in class," thousands of times? Actually, maybe you shouldn't remember her since I am trying to create a positive connection to writing and self change, but you get the point that writing out affirmations really engages the brain (by the way, did you throw spit wads in class after that?)
Use subliminal technology. This requires a purchase, but there are software programs that can record your affirmations at sub audible levels. Go online and you can find many great tools for subliminal audio recordings, subliminal software that plays on your computer or subliminal video messaging systems.
Get another person to record your affirmations. Ask someone you respect as an authority figure or someone who you know has your best interests at heart. I knew a therapist who regularly did this for her patients and the results seemed to occur much faster than if they recorded their own voices. Make sure to change the affirmations from first person to second person.
Use your affirmations as hypnotic suggestions. Learn self-hypnosis and then read the affirmations to yourself in a state of hypnosis or play your recorded voice. Self hypnosis is not difficult to learn. You can pick up a book, CD or DVD at the bookstore and be practicing it tonight. The reason hypnosis works so well is that it puts your brain into a receptive state that makes you much more suggestible. This cuts out on all the filters and skepticism your conscious imposes to challenge new ideas.

Affirmations are powerful tools to change your life. Experiment with different ways to use them and will soon find yourself putting less food on your plate, throwing away your cigarettes, making more sales or whatever change you are seeking to make in your life.

Just a few years after attempting suicide, Charles Brown has learned to literally "re-wire" and "re-program" his brain to achieve success in everything he attempts. He now teaches others how to use neuro-linquistic programming (NLP), subliminal technology, self hypnosis, The Law of Attraction and other methods to make major changes in their lives. He is the author of the free downloadable ebook, The Science of Change: How To Re-Program Your Mind and Transform Your Life [http://www.geocities.com/chbrown56]. This ebook has 49 pages of transformational information and can be downloaded at [http://www.geocities.com/chbrown56]


Positive Affirmations to Utilize The Law of Attraction

By John E Peace

Can positive affirmations speed up the Law of Attraction, allowing you to manifest your dreams, quicker than you thought possible?

Yes they can, but you need to understand how they work!

It has been a necessity as a child to develop, automatic and self rehearsed, subconscious behaviour patterns. This automatic response is essential for our survival, as we need to react quickly to situations that we face from day to day.

This subconscious 'brain training', gives us the instinct and ability to walk down the street, without having to employ each muscle individually by our conscious mind.

It gives us the ability to drive a car, to play an instrument, to juggle; in fact it gives us our human dexterity, our fine motor skills and allows us to multi task.

So What is an Affirmation?

An affirmation is every thought or word we say, whether to ourselves or out loud.

Some of these thoughts work with us, while other thoughts will work against us, stopping us from achieving our goals and desires.

Most people have been able to make bad use of negative beliefs or 'Negative Self-Scripts', and before we become positively affirming we need to learn about the effects of negativism in our lives.

What are Negative Self-Scripts

Negative Self-Scripts are ideas and beliefs about ourselves that are self-damaging, these are ideas about our own personality and ability that have we have passed to our subconscious, through bad or undesirable life experiences.

Negative Self-Scripts are negative beliefs you have about yourself, which you remind yourself daily by sprinkling your everyday conversation. Self-deprecating remarks, which influence your behaviour or beliefs.

These could include negative descriptions given to you by members of your family or peer group when you were younger, that you hold even to this day or possibly negative feedback you get from your spouse, boss, teacher, colleagues, children, parents, relatives, or others that you take personally, and incorporate into your personal belief system.

They could also be negative self-images you have of your body, looks, face, weight, colouring, hair, feet, or other parts of your body, or maybe negative assessment you or others have made of your skills, ability, knowledge, intelligence, creativity, or common sense. You have agreed with this internally and, thus, believe it true of you.

Negative Self-Scripts could include negative stories about your past behaviour, failures, or performances that you run over in your mind and influence your current conduct or maybe attitudes about the possibility of your achievement of success in your life.

Here are some other ways that Negative Self-Scripts can be shown;

Feelings of anger, resentment, hostility, rage or guilt

Negative prophecies that you or others have made about yourself, your future, your success, your relationships, your family, or your health

Ways in which you deny yourself rewards for your goodness, hard work and caring

Feelings of over-responsibility with which you burden yourself.

Dread and fear you have when facing your future; the belief that you do not have what it takes to survive or to be successful in whatever circumstances you face.

Feelings of failure you harbour about real or imagined mistakes in the past and your "assured'' failures in the future.

Feelings of jealousy and inferiority.

What are Positive Affirmations?

Very simply, positive affirmations are short positive statements, designed to replace negative beliefs, with positive self-nurturing beliefs. Although the idea of the use of positive affirmation and meditation is often associated to some New Age "hocus pocus", nothing could be farther from the truth.

These ideas are based on sound solid medical facts, and deal with the science of your mind and neural biology.

Positive affirmations are no mystery to you, in fact you have used them many times before.

Its that sentence you kept saying to yourself when you were learning to ride a bike, its your determination, do you think that you could ever have ridden down the street, if your thoughts and beliefs were, 'I can not'.

A positive affirmations is every sentence that you have said to yourself in determination to succeed, always starting with 'I will' or 'I can'.

Using Positive Affirmations

When you are writing positive affirmations it is important to structure each thought or statement as a 'belief'. You must believe.

The bigger the gap between the perceived negative inner truth and the expressed positive affirmations, the more challenging, and possibly the more damaging, this exercise will be.

Therefore, start this exercise using small believable positive thoughts and statements and practise.

Any affirmation exercise would involve, repeating words of positive affirmations with passion and conviction and for as long as you do so, you will consistently breakdown your subconscious negative beliefs, no matter how 'set in concrete' they may seem.

If you are uncomfortable with positive affirmations and statements, take it down a step, listen to your emotions, far better to chip away in small steps, than fall at the foot of an 'Everest' of a negative, and undermine the whole process.

Similarly, if you are experiences a sense of exhilaration at an affirmation, you are responding in a way that 'your mind knows this to be true', it is working.

Starting this process is the first step, small steps are easier, but finishing each step is the key.

Charles Haanel, in his book The Master Key, tells us that one of the strongest positive affirmations you can use, to strengthen the will and realize your power to accomplish, is,

"I can be what I will to be."

He tells us that,

"Every time you repeat this positive affirmation realize who and what this "I" is; try to come into a understanding of the true nature of the "I"; if you do, you will become invincible; that is, provided that your objects and purposes are constructive and are therefore in harmony with the creative principle of the Universe."

We use the audio version of Haanel Master Key Book, in the Law-of-Attraction-Guide training programme, Unlock The Power of You,

Charles Haanel's Law of Attraction Affirmation lessons tell us to "Hold in mind the condition desired and affirm it as an already existing fact".

Although it is a far better exercise to write your own affirmations, by pinpointing your own negative self scripts and targeting changes that you would like to see in your life, a good source of pre-written positive affirmations can be taken from Ernest Holmes's book The Science of Mind.

This book deals with the principles of Creation, God and the Law of Attraction and Holmes devotes a whole chapter, to the most comprehensive list of affirmations I have seen.

To read The Science of Mind, enroll at our training programme Unlock The Power of You.

If you have read Ernest Holmes list of positive affirmations, you will see that many affirmations reference God. Why?

I have written in many pages, about the connection between Spirituality and the Law of Attraction. I have also stated that one of the first self help books ever written, is the Old Testament.

To apply the Law of Attraction, we cover various methods, visualization, affirmations and meditations. We find these very same teachings in the Bible, visualizations and meditation in the form of prayer and The Bible is full of words of affirmation.

Affirmation Tools

The purpose of a positive affirmation is to change your negative self-script and of course there are many ways to help your mental retraining.

Traditionally you would repeat positive affirmation, to assert your desired belief and cancel your negative undesired belief, but of course there are ways to help this process along.

The positive affirmations exercise page has some great tips on using affirmation cards.

Vision Boards are great tools and can be made quite inexpensively, you can also get Affirmation Software for your computer, which is ideal for anyone who spends a lot of time in front of the screen.

There are also Affirmation MP3 and CD's on the market that claim to be scientifically proven to train your brain to go into the ideal mental state for focused visualization, so you can harness the full power of The Law of Attraction.


Easy Affirmations For Christians

By Allan Wilson

Affirmations provide a great tool for transforming the mind so that you start thinking more positively and as a result become more confident, make better decisions and generally perform better in everything you do.

However when selecting an affirmations program, system or indeed using affirmation software products there is one key factor between succeeding with using affirmations and failing.

What is it?

It has to be easy...

It doesn't matter if it's the best thing since sliced bread if it involves working too hard or if it is too complicated to do or to understand then human nature being the way it is will cause the majority of people to not follow through. They will get excited in the beginning but will not endure long enough to see results.

The simple fact of the matter is that no matter how well intentioned, if the program isn't easy, people simply will not succeed.

Affirmations are supposed to be repeatable. They are supposed to work for you by-passing your brain and entering into your sub-conscious. That is why I like the Christian affirmations that come via mp3 or on CD. I had a friend who commented quite by surprise after listening to a CD of Bible based affirmations while travelling in his car (about a 2 hour trip). He said he and his wife were driving along listening to the CD when he realised that he had been sub-consciously thinking about each affirmation as he was driving and then he realised there was a pause between each affirmation that sort of forced him into thinking about them without him even trying to do so. He said he was amazed at how much better they made him and his wife feel and was actually gob-smacked that they had that result because they were so easy.

That is the whole purpose of affirmations. Let them do the work for you without striving or trying to work out how. When they come in mp3 format you can download them to your Ipod and if you are into walking just listen to them while you do so. If you are stuck long hours at a computer job all day then why not listen to affirmations that will permeate your sub-conscious mind and make you feel better.

The CD's should be your travelling companion in the car. It doesn't have to be work or a chore. Listen to them when you want to and alternate with the radio or other music CD's you might have. The trick is to keep fun and easy. As soon as something seems like work you will stop.

Listen to Christian affirmations on and off while walking, working or driving as mentioned above and over time the affirmations will start to permanently sink in. Your sub-conscious mind will take on board all of the positive things the Bible says and before you know it those scriptures and affirmations will become a part of you.

And it will take place the way affirmations are meant to - nice and easy. You see... for affirmations to work you need to be consistent at using them. The easier it is, the more consistent you will be.

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